Surface area

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 24. Jun. 2008 - 18:45


I am trying to estimate the surface area of some powders. Some are spherical like pigments which helps to calculatean , but others are platelets like Talc or Mica. I only have a few information: I have the density, and barely the mean diameter, or the mesh distribution, and I have no other means to measure anything.

Would you have any tips to have a rough idea on the surface area of this kind of powder?

Thank you very much for you help.


(not verified)

Measuring The Surface Area Of Powders (Bet)

Erstellt am 8. Oct. 2008 - 12:51

We work with fine graphites and for our application we need to know what the surface area is through parts of our process and for our finished product. I would suggest looking at a Surface Area & Pore Size analyzer. There are a few different companies that should do the trick for you.

Quantachrome is one of them.

Surface Area Of Powders

Erstellt am 28. Oct. 2008 - 11:04

A practice guide to 'Porosity and Specific Surface Area Measurements for Solid Materials' is given in a Special Publication 960-17 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, (NIST), technology administration, US Department of Commerce by Peter Klobes, Klaus Meyer and Ronald G. Munro.

This is a practical review of the subject and contains many other references, a list of many standards and a useful glossary. I think that this will contain the information you require.