Carbon steel silos with partitions

Posted in: , on 24. Mar. 2008 - 11:48

I have a query for the following w.r.t Carbon steel silos.

1) Are silos constructed with partitions internally to store different material haveing different density?

2) If yes how these silos are operated? Do they face any operational difficulty compared to indivdual silos?

3) I am asking for the silos fort he capacity of 100cum,60cum ,30 cum , 20 cum, 10cum.

4) What would be the cost difference w.r.t construction of indivdual silos?

If some one can guide me on the above, it would be of much of help.

thanks in advance

Re: Carbon Steel Silos With Partitions

Erstellt am 25. Mar. 2008 - 08:04

What you're really asking for is 6 x 30m^3; 2 x 20m^3 & 2 x 10m^3, right?

Now you don't have to piddle about with the wall pressure between a 100m^3 cell & a 10m^3 cell. Next!

John Gateley

Carbon Steel Siolos

Erstellt am 25. Mar. 2008 - 08:26

I am asking for silos of 100m3 with equal 50m3 partitions . Similarly for the silos of different capacitys mentioned earlier.

What I want to know is how these silos works and are they economical!!!!

Re: Carbon Steel Silos With Partitions

Erstellt am 25. Mar. 2008 - 09:19

First it says 100m^3 & now it says 2 x 50m^3. If I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to be difficult.

Before any more changes get sprung on the forum...silos work by accepting material, usually at the top, and eventually disgorgeing that said material through the bottom.

Are they economical..well yes...they stop the material getting soaked by rain or blown away in the wind.

Come on lad: be more straightforward. You're asking for a good kicking already. Anytime!

Silos do not face operational difficulties. If you are ponceing around the question of hang ups & the like then you shouldn't be putting it in a silo in the first place.

John Gateley