Twisting belt?

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 9. Mar. 2008 - 00:30


Im looking to put a 180 degree twist in a belt im using for a uni project. The belt is 1000mm wide and 3mm thick, what i would like to know is what length of belt would i need to make the twist. I have made some scale models and i guess it would need to be around 6m.

Are there any standard equations for similer problems or is it usally just trial and error finding the right length.

Should the thickness of the belt make any difference.

thanks in advance


Re: Twisting Belt?

Erstellt am 9. Mar. 2008 - 05:18

Lyle Brown's references will lead you to a Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. (CDI) publications. The author (Ryan Lemmon) was an employee of CDI when developed. We allowed its publications to promote public access to one of many difficult and complex technical analyses.

Belt turnover stresses analysis are poorly developed by the manufacturers standards.

The CDI method does produce a method that was verified by our Finite Element Analysis techniques. It cannot be solved using any direct solution method. We therefore incorporated the method and a quick solution within BELTSTAT. This is one of many difficult solutions that are provided within our code.

Yes, Mr. Lemmon's belt twist or turnover is detailed in the Adi's reference paper. However, you cannot obtain the solution by any direct process. We suggest you have at it or contact CDI for other means to your needs.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
(not verified)

Re: Twisting Belt?

Erstellt am 9. Mar. 2008 - 11:53

thanks for your replies your BELTSTAT software looks like a great tool, a little out of my reach as a student though. would the demo version give me any useful results?
