Eddy Current Separator

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 22. Jan. 2008 - 19:09

Laboratory Equipped with New RevX ECS

Controlled testing of materials in a laboratory environment is often the key to the success of a recycling project. To support the recycling industry in the quest for enhanced levels of metal recovery, Eriez have designed and built a unique variant of the RevX Eddy Current Separator for use in the European test facility in the UK. This system is used to separate non-ferrous metals from non-metallic materials.



The RevX NM-LS-Lab testing materials in the Eriez laboratory facility in the UK


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(not verified)

Re: Eddy Current Separator

Erstellt am 22. Jan. 2008 - 06:14


Many recycling projects have increasingly difficult separation objectives and the flexibility of the RevX Model NM-LS-Lab enables the Eriez technicians to vary many of the separation parameters. This includes considering different magnetic rotor designs, in terms of polarity and magnetic strength, magnetic rotor speed and the presentation of the material into the separation zone.

From the tests it is possible to make a recommendation for a specific design of Eddy Current Separator that will meet the separation criteria. Consequently, this helps to dispel many Eddy Current Separator myths where claims of increased magnetic strength or high rotor speeds produce better levels of separation. These claims are often founded on the misguided idea that stronger and faster is better, but in reality, slower rotor speeds and specific magnetic configurations often enable a better and purer level of separation.

The RevX NM-LS-Lab has a concentrically mounted magnetic rotor that spins at high speeds inside a non metallic shell. The feed onto the belt is split into two, with larger particles (above 25 mm) being separated on the RevX NM-L part of the rotor and smaller particles (1 – 25 mm) on the RevX NM-S. This is unique in terms of Eddy Current Separator design.

Controlled tests prove the separation capability and are used as the basis of a separation guarantee for any production RevX Eddy Current Separator contract. Customers can then be confident that the production equipment will achieve the same level of separation. At the same time, tests can be conducted on a wide range of other magnetic separators for the separation of strongly or weakly magnetic metals and particles, including a range of Magnetic Drums with different designs and strength. The Eriez laboratory in the UK has the most extensive magnetic based equipment portfolio in the world.

The RevX NM-LS-Lab is also available to customers and comes complete with a control, collection trays and a vibratory feeder.

For further information, please visit:


href="https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/1803-eriez-magnetics-europe.htm" target="blank">https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile...ics-europe.htm


href="http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=de-de&q=Eriez+magnetics+site:bulk-online.com&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8" target="blank">http://www.google.com/search?client=...UTF-8&oe=UTF-8


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