Beltcomp - Belt conveyor design software

Posted in: , on 19. Dec. 2007 - 19:12

Dear forum members,

I invite all of you to visit the website

The new software launched may be downloaded as trial and it will worth giving it a try. The features cover almost all the features covered in expensive software, whereas the price of this software is less than 100 usd. I invite members to discuss the merits of this new program on the forum itself.

Amit Bhaduri

(not verified)

Beltcomp Software

Erstellt am 21. Dec. 2007 - 05:55

Dear Mr. Bhaduri,

I tried your software for designing a simple belt conveyor. I found following shortcomings:

1. Curvaure - Concave & convex is not considered in designing.

2. The tension & profile plot outputs are having black back ground. The content is not legible.

3. Pulley diameters are ignored for profile entering.

4. Profile input is not user friendly.

5. The output as word file will be more useful.

The output file is attached for members to get the feeling of output of software.

Hope you will update the software for above points.


P. Rekhawar


bc13 output (ZIP)

Re: Beltcomp Software

Erstellt am 21. Dec. 2007 - 06:14

Originally posted by rekhawar

I found following shortcomings:

What did you expect for 50 quid? See what other software costs you, a tad more I think!

(not verified)

Re: Beltcomp - Belt Conveyor Design Software

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2007 - 02:59

Dear Mr. Bhaduri,

Please find the bc file.


P. Rekhawar


bc13 (ZIP)

Reply To P. Rekhawar' Message

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2007 - 05:02

Dear Mr. P. Rekhawar,

Thank you very much for the .bc file sent by you. Let me try to explain the points raised by you,

1. Curvature is not applicable for the conveyor you have coded since is flat on the carrying side. hence no data has been shown for radius.

2. The tension and plot figures may not be visible in your monitor. Possibly the display appearance property of the monitor is set to silver etc. Please set default (blue) and it will be visible.

3. I do not understand what do you mean by pulley diameters are ignored in input. You may kindly explain.

4. Profile input is cumbersome for all such software if exact tensions are required at all points. I have tried to minimize troubles. I hope after first few cases the user will become conversant. I shall try to improve it further.

5. The output in word format can easily be incorporated. But I thought Excel will provide more formated output. I shall consider this aspect after getting more opinion from other memebers.

I shall thank you again for your interest and shall request you to probe it further and let me know your observations.

May I request other respected members to send their comments and observations.

With reagards to every memeber,

Amit Bhaduri

Revised Input File

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2007 - 05:43

Dear Mr. Rekhawar,

I have revised your file little bit and enclosed herewith. I hope with little changes the file is now like what you intended. Please check by opening the file in the software. Please feel free to contact me as and when you require.

Amit Bhaduri


bc13-revison 1 (ZIP)

New Beltcomp Excel Version

Erstellt am 19. Dec. 2011 - 06:39

The program is based on versatile Microsoft Excel platform backed by strong VBA so that it can use both Excel in-built strong features and classical visual basic programming features. Since Excel is supported by all the windows operating systems, the program has no barrier as far as operating system is concerned. Trial version will demonstrate all the features.