Large Flender Gears

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 10. Dec. 2007 - 18:30


Siemens Automation and Drives (A&D) has expanded assembly capacity for large Flender gears at its Friedrichsfeld site, with the first stage, the new hall for the A&D Mechanical Drives (MD) Division, officially opened last month.

Flender gears for marine drives and the cement industry, and extruder gears for the plastics industry will be manufactured here in an area covering approximately 6,900 square metres.

Demand for large gears has risen sharply in recent years. As well as the European markets, there has been a constant rise in demand for extruder gears and gears for the cement industry, primarily in the Arab states, the USA and Asia. To enable further enhancement of gear production, the MD Division is investing in new assembly capacity in Friedrichsfeld: "With the new capacity at Friedrichsfeld, we are optimising our production of large gears and creating the best possible conditions for meeting the growing demand for large gears," said MD Division head Manfred Egelwisse.

Following completion, roller grinding mills will be produced for the cement and minerals industries with rated load torques up to 4,500,000 Nm. The plant will also produce twin-shaft extruder gears with shaft centres of approximately 300 mm and a performance of up to 20,000 kW. In addition to these gears, twin-motor drives for the marine sector with 16,000 kW transmitted power per drive shaft will also be produced in the new hall.

The large machines and gears present a formidable challenge to the floor conveyor vehicles and hoisting gear due to their dimensions and weight of up to 100 tonnes. The new assembly hall features bridge cranes that can cover the entire length of the hall and move loads of up to 150 tonnes. The plant also has seven semi-portal cranes for turning and positioning heavy workpieces. Two assembly pits with ergonomic heights ensure safe working, especially on the gears for twin-motor drives for ships.

The MD Division is continuing to pursue the concept of separating assembly and test stand from remaining parts manufacture, resulting in an application-oriented assembly and test stand unit for large gears.

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siemens_flender (JPG)

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