Loading Sea Bulk Container with Inliner Big-Bags

Posted in: , on 3. Dec. 2007 - 16:47

We are searching for a solution to of loading sea bulk containers (equipped with inliner big-bags) with pvc (median grain size 150 microns).

Are there any companies having knowlege of such loading processes and the needed equipment (especially with pneumatic conveying systems). And what about dust handling ?

In advance, thanks a lot for any answer about this problem.


Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 3. Dec. 2007 - 08:35

If you have a fine, dusty product DON'T use a pneumatic system to load containers.

It is enough to have to deal with the displaced air which will contain dust, let alone the extra air needed for pneumatic conveying.

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 4. Dec. 2007 - 04:33

Today we have made a test : Blowing powder from a silo truck inside a bulk container (40') with inliner. Dust emission are nearly meaningless (only very fine particles <10 microns) and it is no problem for this material to blow inside such a container Big-Bag.

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 4. Dec. 2007 - 06:02

You have solved your own problem!

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 5. Dec. 2007 - 09:47

Not completely. Now the tricky part starts : How to design a pnematic conveying system from a normal storage silo station. The silos are NOT designed for overpressure ...

I'm now searching for a simple ejector principle ...

Bulk Sea Container With Inner Bag

Erstellt am 17. Dec. 2007 - 09:23

We are an experienced supplier of bulk packing( bulk/jumbo/container/big bags,FIBC), and located in Cahngzhou,China. We employ experienced workers and technologist to produce first-class quality big bags with 100% virgin material and new machines. We would like also to produce according to customers' requests

We can also supply dry bulk container liners.

For further details and interest, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely hope to cooperate with you in the future.

Best regards,

David Wi

Sales Manager

Specialist in bulk packing solutions


Add: Sanhekou Industrial Park,Changzhou,


Tel: +86 519 88670999

Fax:+86 519 88670999

Mob:+86 13915848304



href="mailto:fwdavid@yahoo.com">fwdavid@yahoo.com and





href="http://www.s-millet.com" target="blank">www.s-millet.com

MSN: [email]wrs68david1982@hotmail.com

Skype: wrs68david


745503 (JPG)

David Wi Sales Manager & Engineer Specialist in bulk packing solutions (FIBC, bulk bag, big bag, jumbo bag, container liner) ******************************************** Uniqpack FIBC Packaging Co.,Ltd Tel: +86 139 15848304 Fax: +86 519 88670999 Email: [email]wrs68@163.com[/email] [email]david.wi@uniqpack.com[/email] Website: [url]www.uniqpack.com[/url] Skype: wrs68david ********************************************

Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big Bags

Erstellt am 17. Dec. 2007 - 12:42

Dear Blume,

After reading your post, I would like to introduce Mass Measuring Ltd.


The company has a extensive experience with pneumatic conveying, and silo loading / unloading systems.

I would like to discuss your requirements further and offer a proposal for a suitable system but will require additional information.

If you could contact me, I would be happy to discuss this further:


Dan Liptrott

Mass Measuring Ltd


+44 (0) 161 304 5700

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 17. Dec. 2007 - 01:51

Originally posted by blume

Dust emission are nearly meaningless

Don't mind if some of us hold our breath ;-) pending the results of the official air quality report which will eventually be required.

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 8. Feb. 2008 - 01:08

Hello johngateley,

"dust emissions are nearly meaningless" means, that I have expected a hugh cloud of dust, but the emissions are so small that the problem can be solved with a very small filter system or something like a small cyclone ... and everything will be fine !

best regards


Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 8. Feb. 2008 - 02:53

Nothing like a practical test to establish the true extent of a problem. Kicks into touch the usual speculation and conjecture!

yoram levinson
(not verified)

Cement Transporting In Container

Erstellt am 24. May. 2008 - 10:21


my company is regluar importer of cement by vessells.

nowdays i am facing with the same issue you were facing.

how to load a regular container with cement,what kind of inner

bag should be used,how to load the container,which filter system should we use. what is the best way to discharge the container

at destination.

your comment will be much appreciated


(not verified)

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 9. Jun. 2008 - 10:13

Zeppelin Systems provides pneumatic systems for loading and unloading the Sea Intermodal Transport Containers. Liners are placed in the containers and the liners have connections for fill, discharge, dust, vent, etc.

For filling, the material is pnaumatically blown into the contaiiner, or gravity filled by use of cyclone receiver, the exhausted air is filter through a dust collector.

To discharge the trailer and container is tilted after a flexible hoose is connected and fed through one of our aiirlocks into a convey gas stream to the desired location.

A brochure on the Zeppelin CTU is attached.

Please contact me if you need any further specifications.

ctu - container tilting unit


Robert Bentzel


ctu - container tilting unit (PDF)

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 10. Jun. 2008 - 12:27

Umm, I still don't think I'd use a pneumatic system to load a container.

Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2008 - 11:58

Dear Blume,

we are a German dry bulk logistics provider and specialized in such kind of activities. We are already loading sea bulk containers since years in our facilities. Dust is an issue and we use a filtration system during loading operation. A direct loading from silo by gravity is not feasible and we load the containers via bulk trucks. If you need further details or support please contact us by mail and visit our webpage under www.schmidt-heilbronn.de.


Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2008 - 04:01

If you are loading a container under pressure then mustn't the container be rated for the stall pressure of the blower?

Maybe a can of worms is brewing up here.

Sorry to be so pedantic but if you were pumping phosphoric acids etc then you would have to take more notice of the statutiries.

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 3. Aug. 2008 - 01:19

Has the cat got your tongues??

Is the container rated for the maximum achievable pressure in the system or not?

What do your insurers say about it?

One of the photos purports to relieve the shipping container of its rating responsibility by leaving the doors ajar. So how about the bags? What is their rating situation? Please advise.

Re: Loading Sea Bulk Container With Inliner Big-Bags

Erstellt am 4. Aug. 2008 - 01:52

I thought that most container liners came with a vent as you have to get rid of the displaced air as the container fills??