Bin Design

Erstellt am 11. Oct. 2007 - 03:55


I would like to design a bin with the capacity of 200m3 for raw meal of the cement plant (particle size about 90 microne).

is there any rule of thumb formulas for calculating dimentions and thickness of the wall?

meanwhile we should use aeratin at the hopper. is there any sources for calculating the posittion of the nozzles and air consumption?


Lamborghini 350Gt

Re: Bin Inquiry

Erstellt am 11. Oct. 2007 - 05:37

There are a number of standards which govern the silo design i.e. DIN EN,AS. Etc. Depending on which ever standard you want to use get a copy of it and it will have all the details you need.

As far as aeration is concerned just ask the aeration pad supplier they will direct you in the right direction.


Bin Design

Erstellt am 14. Oct. 2007 - 07:24


I would like to use DIN standard for bin designing, but I didn't found any document which explain bin design shape and thickness briefly.I have found only DIN 1055 which I think is not complete.

would you please send me if you have any documents.

Meanwhile I don't have any drawing for aeration and I should design it bymyself, so is there any guid rule for arrangement of nozzles?
