Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Tracking Methods Of Belt Conveyer

Erstellt am 9. Jul. 2007 - 08:24

Could you please clarify what assistance is required? It is not clear to me at least.

As you state there are various causes and rectifications, if you go for a search on this site there may be results from previous queries which may be of interest / use.



Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Tracking Methods Of Belt Conveyer

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2007 - 12:02

I am not aware of any standard to which the devices are designed / manufactured (other than the "generic" mechanical / structural codes), though I suspect a lot of it is emperical.

Have a romp on google. Here is one manufacturer to get you started:

There are others.



Re: Tracking Methods Of Belt Conveyer

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2007 - 04:32

Thanks for your replies and attentions.I've checked the website in your suggest.If more information can hear from you when you get something new,I would be much appreciate.

Best regards,


Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Tracking Methods Of Belt Conveyer

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2007 - 05:14

I apologise, however I do not believe I completely understand the query.

Can you please clarify exactly what you would like additional information on?

Thanks and regards,


Re: Tracking Methods Of Belt Conveyer

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2007 - 07:10

I am sorry not to mention it clearly.

In the forums, I've read many issues about why the belt conveyor donot run true under many circumstance,but I want to know about if there are some good ways to make the belt run true after its deviationt.About the mesures of adjusting, if there are many criterions to classify them?

And,from the website you gave to me,I know the product can serve as adjusting.But the theories are unknown.

Best regards


(not verified)

Re: Tracking Methods Of Belt Conveyer

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2007 - 07:54

i have found that counterweight masses have a direct impact on the tracking characteristics of conveyors, depending on the type of construction of the frame, and loading of the belt. i currently play "doctor" to a large amount of conveyors, and must admit to varying degrees of success with tracking etc. however, there is one constant,,,,,,,,,,,,,, check the design calcs, and also consider any modifications added after construction ie ceramic drive drum lagging.

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Tracking Methods Of Belt Conveyer

Erstellt am 10. Jul. 2007 - 08:33

If the system is designed and installed “appropriately” then ideally there should not be any significant force tending to “miss-track” it.

I am not aware of any rigid classifications of the causes of miss tracking (there may be).

You ideally need to find and remove the cause of its miss tracking (poor alignment, worn pulleys, sized something’s or others, defective belting etc) and fix (ideally) or counter it.

A number of installations use the training idler assemblies, similar to that I linked earlier, or “rotate” idler sets to track the belt.

Place a pencil on the table and roll it on the table with your hand on top, now angle the pencil and note how your you hand tracks off “aligning” with the pencil, this could be considered an analogy to the belt and idlers, where the belt is your hand and the idlers are the pencil, hence you can “rotate” idlers to track the belt in a direction (probably opposite to the way it is off tracking). This “solution” wears belt and idler and increases frictional losses etc. There are other mechanisms often included within the training assembly which are purported to improve tracking effectiveness.



Re: Tracking Methods Of Belt Conveyer

Erstellt am 15. Jul. 2007 - 08:42

Dear Mr. guanguan,

The belt can run misaligned due to many reasons. Firstly, one should be clear the meaning of misaligned. It can be said that belt is running misaligned if its centerline is not at the centre line of carrying idler at a specific location. In this situation the fault could be with the belt running or it could be due to faulty installation of conveyor frame or idlers at that location. Same consideration applies to the return run.

Accordingly, belt can run misaligned due to its faulty carcass, faulty joint, unbalanced loading, faulty construction of idlers, faulty installation of idlers, faulty construction and installation of conveyor frame, pulley axis not perpendicular to conveyor line, wind etc. If the belt is running misaligned one has to check the various features as mentioned above, if their magnitude is beyond tolerable limits, and rectify the reason causing such misalignment. Specific remedy will depend upon the class of conveyor and tension in the belt. In case of small conveyors people just manipulate the idlers and pulleys and achieve the result, even if it implies reduction in the idlers and belt life. However, for heavy class of conveyors, belt will not respond to flimsy corrections and it will require the elimination of the real cause.

Belt manufacturers literature often mentions the quick remedial measures for misbehaving belt for average conveyors, which may be referred.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email :

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25871916