Single Drive Pulley - Two drives

Posted in: , on 8. Jul. 2007 - 16:20


I am these days designing a Belt Conveyor which has a single drive pulley at the discharge end. Due to space limitations, I am planning to provide 2 shaft mounted drives (Motor, Fluid Coupling, hollow O/P shaft gear unit); 1 on either side of Drive Pulley.

It is usual that when we have a single drive, for Drive pulley, 1 bearing is 'Fixed' & the other 'Floating' and the drive is coupled on the 'Fixed' side.

Question: Is it OK to couple Drive to the 'Floating' side ?

Looking for expert opinion.

Mukul Khare


Re: Single Drive Pulley - Two Drives

Erstellt am 8. Jul. 2007 - 07:40

Don't see a problem myself. Have done this before.

Re: Single Drive Pulley - Two Drives

Erstellt am 8. Jul. 2007 - 09:31

As Designer says, no problem. Yes, fix and float.

We have hundreds, working in the field from 100kW to 3000 kW/motor with two to a shaft. The drivebase must be swiveled to accomodate the hollow shaft or solid coupling's bore misalignment (concentricity, et al) and/or flange perpendicularity.

Hollow shafts have seen a wane. The bore/shaft weld from corrosion making it difficult to remove with age. Other types of connections have been practiced to overcome corrosion.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Single Drive Pulley - Two Drives

Erstellt am 8. Jul. 2007 - 11:39

I cant assist with an experts opinion, however my thoughts are, there are plenty in the field with that arrangement with no dramas. It may be of concern if you had a LS brake or something where the float may cause the brake to drag etc. As a maintainer it is nice to have the locked side identified (if the pulley starts walking you know which housing to attack to check the fixing arrangement).



Re: Single Drive Pulley - Two Drives

Erstellt am 9. Jul. 2007 - 05:17

Thank you all for sharing your experience & opinion.

Mukul Khare

Re: Single Drive Pulley - Two Drives

Erstellt am 15. Jul. 2007 - 08:46

Dear Shri Mukul Khare,

The people have already replied to your query. You have got shaft mounted drive unit so, the drive will always remain appropriately on the shaft. Such floating situation is to counter act thermal expansion / contraction etc. which will be in microns and thereby it would not affect the torque arm which will have enough of latitude to take care of the same. You may kindly refer to Neyveli drive pulleys (2400 mm belt system etc.) which have shaft mounted drive units on both the sides.

Foot mounted type drive units on both the sides of single pulley are also very common and routinely used.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email :

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25871916

Problems In 2 Drives

Erstellt am 19. Jul. 2007 - 01:52

we manufacture shaft mounts and have a customer in Norway facing froblems in using two drives on the same shaft.

one problem relates to the back stop once the conveyor comes to a stop, due to minor variations in backlash in the gearings only

one backstop is in actual operation at one time

another problem anticipated would be the little variation in the speeds of the 2 gear units, idieally the 2 gearboxes run at the same speed but in reality they would be running at marginally different speeds, due to motor characteristics, pulley diameter variations ( which would increase in time as the pulley wears off)

it then means that 1 gearbox is driving the other gearbox

do you have any experience in these problems?

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Single Drive Pulley - Two Drives

Erstellt am 19. Jul. 2007 - 07:13

Drives should be specified for load sharing (holdbacks have "load sharing" features) et al.

More particular attention paid to motor T vrs S curves etc.

In any event both the drives should come to a single speed which hopefully should not be too significantly different from their rated speed.

Both drives would be subject of the effects of pulley diameter variation, however one may "experience" it more due to its relative position on the motors T vrs S curve.

