Pneumatic conveyors for bulk sulphur

Posted in: , on 23. Jun. 2007 - 05:40

Are pneumatic conveyors suitable for handling bulk sulphur, and travelling long distance what are advantages and disadvantages to normal conveyors. seeking for your help. thanks 2 all.

Re: Pneumatic Conveyors For Bulk Sulphur

Erstellt am 23. Jun. 2007 - 01:31

Due to explosive properties of Sulphur conveying with air is not recommended. Nitrogen conveying can be a possibility but since it is a long distance it will not be feasible on cost. Operating costs (kw/ton) will be substantially higher as compared to mechanical option. In my opinion mechanical conveying or molten state handling should be considered.

Brink Weaver
(not verified)

Pn4umatic Conveying Of Sulpher

Erstellt am 26. Jun. 2007 - 06:02

With out knowing the quantity or distance it is difficult to prescribe an exact solution to your transportation needs for sulphur.

Have you considered a Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline to transport your sulphur? They have a very low operating cost and a competitive capital cost. It may be necessary to inject nitrogen in to the air space in a capsule to keep the sulphur from exploding/combusting. Look at our web site for an insite into our systems.