How Many Languages Do You Know?

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Apr. 2007 - 08:54

This is amazing guys,

I have to share this stuff, it’s not that anything else but it will really help us. I found these Sprachaufenthalte, estudiar italiano en Italia and Learn German language. For me these stuffs would really help me invest my brain in learning other languages. Learning other languages is a very good idea in reaching other people; it’s a very vital in communication skills. Also try this specialised language courses , it’s good though. Having these everyday is a good practice in reaching other people.


Erstellt am 30. Apr. 2007 - 01:39

You are right Understanding a language and its idioms is the first step to understanding a culture/ people.

The world has got smaller, with CNN, the Internet, Sports making us neighbours in the 'Global Community'. For example, I think I know more about English soccer then I do Hockey or Baseball and I live in Canada.

I speak 2 languages, and have some conversational ability in 2 more. But being basically Lazy I'm waiting for my 'Star TRek Universal translator"
