High speed conveyors

Posted in: , on 26. Mar. 2007 - 18:58

Hi everyone,

I am searching for references of belt conveyors for iron ore(lumps) working at speeds about 5 m/s or higher.

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance.


Alexandre Costa Calijorne Caltra Projetos & Consultoria Ltda [url]www.caltra.com.br[/url] [email]alexandre@caltra.com.br[/email] phone/fax: +55 31 2555-9097

Re: High Speed Conveyors

Erstellt am 28. Mar. 2007 - 01:00


There are a few, the best reference I can give you is CV555 at Pilbara Iron's Paraburdoo Operations. It has a variable speed drive, is fed at the tail almost in-line and at about the mid point at 90 degrees. The major issues are transfers and loading now that it has been sped up

Col Benjamin

Gulf Conveyor Systems P/L

Re: High Speed Conveyors

Erstellt am 28. Mar. 2007 - 02:04

Who do you work for in Belo horizonte?

I will tell you much more about belts running faster than 5 m/s in iron ore and other hard rock, designed by CDI, if you answer the above question.

For example:



The conveyor Mr. Benjamin is refering to (CV-555) was designed by CDI in 1988 and upgraded in 2002.

It was designed for 2200 t/h running at 4.1 m/s in 1988 using a ST-3000 N/mm x 1050mm belt.

The upgrade to 4600 t/h included a speed increase to 6.5 m/s with a drop in belt strength to ST-2800 N/mm x 1050 mm belt.


BHP YANDI - lumps up to 1000 mm

4000 t/h operates at 5.5 m/s


RTZ Yandi

6000 t/h operates at up tp 7.5 m/s


BHP Port Hedlands Bi-Way

7000 t/h operates at 6.6 m/s

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: High Speed Conveyors

Erstellt am 28. Mar. 2007 - 03:54

Thanks Mr. Nordell and Mr. Benjamin.

May be that the new developments at chute design will far improve the possible speeds for BCs.

People here in Brazil are manytimes conservative, and some people are really feared to go beyond from this barrier.

I suppose than one obstacle would be the roll construction (projetct and quality)

In Germany they are using speeds beyond 6 m/s since the 80´s.

I would like to see also the behaviour of belt cleaners and material guides under such circunstances.


Alexandre Calijorne

mail caltrapc@yahoo.com.br

mobile +553191129694

Alexandre Costa Calijorne Caltra Projetos & Consultoria Ltda [url]www.caltra.com.br[/url] [email]alexandre@caltra.com.br[/email] phone/fax: +55 31 2555-9097

Re: High Speed Conveyors

Erstellt am 28. Mar. 2007 - 01:43

Dear Mr. Nordell,

Actually I am working for Isomonte, a constructor of Stackers, Reclaimers and conveyours, based at Contagem - near Belo Horizonte.


Alexandre Calijorne


Alexandre Costa Calijorne Caltra Projetos & Consultoria Ltda [url]www.caltra.com.br[/url] [email]alexandre@caltra.com.br[/email] phone/fax: +55 31 2555-9097