Accident analysis Summit

Posted in: , on 7. Mar. 2007 - 04:58

Dust explosions, in many cases, are, as has been extensively discussed, preventable incidents. At least many of us believe that following the standards and with intelligent design and housekeeping, a safe working environment can be created.

But more important, once an incident occurs, the analysis of the factors contributing to the accident should be thoroughly explored, and if the set of precursor conditions are not covered by the standard good practice, a warning, similar to those used in the aeronautic industry, should be issued so that proper preventive measures can be taken by others.

The spilled blood should not be useless.

For those interested in root cause analysis, the TapRooT(R) Summit world meeting will take place in San Antonio TX. in April, for details please visit:

TECMEN Consultant in: Sponge Iron (DRI) handling Sponge Iron DRI Automated Storage Firefighting and Root Cause Analysis Pneumatic Conveying Consultants Phone 5281 8300 4456.
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