Transporting Bed/Fly ash by rail

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 17. Aug. 2006 - 17:23

Do you have experience in transporting bed and fly ash by rail to be reused once it gets to its destination? I'm looking to see what problems to expect and how the best way to do this is.

As Is A Complex Product

Erstellt am 24. Aug. 2006 - 07:24

Ash is a complex product with very erratic flow properties. Primarily very wet the ash tends to hang on to vertical faces - especially if it is allowed to impact against them.

Ash will react to produce a multitude of flow conditions - which vary with moisture content and lump size.

You are mixing fly with coarse, or bottom, ash. It is difficult to obtain reasonable mixtures, so the burden will contain lenses of different characteristics. This can cause severe blockages.

For those reasons pumping is a preferred option. Alternatively you may need water cannon to wash out the wagons.