Cement Kiln Dust

Posted in: , on 11. Jul. 2006 - 05:15


I'm currently doing a study on the parameters that affect quality and quantity of cement kiln dust generated in the pyroprocessing line and recirculated to the system.

Do you know of any references/websites that can give me a comprehensive literature on this one?

Or maybe you have any ideas on what parameters I should consider like RSP (reinforced suspension preheater) fan suction, stage 1 cyclone efficiency, nodulization of kiln feed etc.

I would really appreciate your help.


Cement Kiln Dust

Erstellt am 12. Jul. 2006 - 02:33


There are no instant answers, not even on the Internet. If there were you and I would be out of a job.

The last kiln I worked on was reducing ilmenite for producing synthetic rutile.

1 - what is the dust, what is the problem? What is the particle size distribution?

2 - what are the contaminants, flux, refractory wear, particulates created in the kiln process?

3 - what is the recyclable stuff, and what is the junk?

4 - read up about the internals of kilns - what is happening inside? What are the products of combustion?

5 - what is the emission/pollution control?

By then you should start to get a feel for what is going on, and what to do to try and control the generation of the byproduct