Re: Design Of Barrel Reclaimer.

Erstellt am 9. Apr. 2006 - 05:31

Dear Shri Brajesh Kumar,

The barrel reclaimers are used in large installations like steel plants, cement plants, etc. Therefore your query implies that you are from such a large installation. This will enable you to get quotation from the manufactures of barrel reclaimers suiting to your requirements. Such quotation, will result into technical interaction with probable suppliers / specialist of such machine. This will help you to understand the design basic consideration of such machine. The actual design of machine is an intellectual property.

In broad terms, the barrel reclaimer is advancing into stockpile. So, stockpile cross section multiplied by the advancement in one second or one minute or one hour gives the machine reclaiming in one second or minute or hour. The important point about the reclaiming is that the material so coming due to machine advancement should be within the capability of the buckets volume. Conversely, the advancement rate is interrelated to bucket volume and barrel rpm.

Regarding the availability factor of barrel reclaimer, there are many steel plant installations in India having barrel reclaimers. You can refer to the user of such machine who may be able to help you for the information you are seeking.

These are well known and well-established machines. So, in general their performance reliability aspects are well understood.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

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