The capacity limit for venturi tube injector

Posted in: , on 2. Mar. 2006 - 07:58

I have ever conveyed Derin pellet with Venturi tube at 3T/h.

Now I want to convey flour powder at 6T/h.

May I design all dilute phase with venturi tube injector in order to save rotory valves?

Is there any capacity limit for this kind of injector? Why?


Shenjie Tel:+86(0)20 83553890,83550361 Fax: +86(0)20 83542314 [email][/email] [url=]Sino-Auto Technology[/url]

Dennis Hauch - Freeport, TX, USA
(not verified)

Solids Eductor Capacity

Erstellt am 6. Mar. 2006 - 04:03

The solids feeding device, in your case a solids eductor, should not be the primary rate limiting factor in your conveying system.

Rather, the length and bore of the pipeline and the pressure and flow capability of the air mover are the factors that should rightly limit the solids conveying rate.

The pressure loss associated with a solids eductor should not exceed 15% of the total system pressure loss. It is imperative that a certified performance curve be obtained from the eductor manufacturer.

Dennis Hauch, PE

Re: The Capacity Limit For Venturi Tube Injector

Erstellt am 6. Mar. 2006 - 05:20


The formal name of Venturi Injector is 'Solid enductor'?

I learn.


Shenjie Tel:+86(0)20 83553890,83550361 Fax: +86(0)20 83542314 [email][/email] [url=]Sino-Auto Technology[/url]

(not verified)

Re: The Capacity Limit For Venturi Tube Injector

Erstellt am 9. Mar. 2006 - 01:42

How do I calculate a venturi eductor system? Is it the same for the lean phase conveying using rotary valves or there is some sort of efficiency limit to venturis?

Re: The Capacity Limit For Venturi Tube Injector

Erstellt am 9. Mar. 2006 - 02:50

Dear Cacing,

Maybe not ture

Normally Venturi enductor takes ~20KPa. For the rest calculate the same way as dilute phase.

Shenjie Tel:+86(0)20 83553890,83550361 Fax: +86(0)20 83542314 [email][/email] [url=]Sino-Auto Technology[/url]

(not verified)

Re: The Capacity Limit For Venturi Tube Injector

Erstellt am 9. Mar. 2006 - 04:41

u mean i have to allow for around 20 kPa of extra pressure drop if i use a venturi?

Re: The Capacity Limit For Venturi Tube Injector

Erstellt am 9. Mar. 2006 - 05:00


Shenjie Tel:+86(0)20 83553890,83550361 Fax: +86(0)20 83542314 [email][/email] [url=]Sino-Auto Technology[/url]

(not verified)

Re: The Capacity Limit For Venturi Tube Injector

Erstellt am 30. Mar. 2006 - 05:13

I don't quite exactly know why there is so much pressure loss in a venturi.

In a rotary system, I can understand the pressure loss is due to leakages from the valves in the chamber.

But what about the venturi? If it is the leakage problem, that means there is a lot of blow back, and if so, how do i stop that?

Is there some sort of calculation to do it? What is the man factor causing the difference in the ability to convey things as compared to a normal rotary valve?

I'm also looking at other manufacturers other than Fox. Can anyone suggest to me? send to my email,