Pouch Conveyor

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 21. Dec. 2005 - 14:35

Dear all,

We have to carry Iron Ore Fines to bunkers at 80 mtrs. distance. The rise is 8 mtrs. We have envisaged a conventional conveyor with 200 TPH, Belt width 600 mm, belt speed 1.25 m/sec and with a vertical gravity take up.

There are two feed points, one at tail end and another at 58 mtrs from tail end.

The route is passing through existing structural bulidings, hence taking a regular conveyor gallery with walkways is quite difficult, though a route has been identified.

The actual generation of Fines is limited to @ 60 TPH considering both the feed points.

I feel that a pouch conveyor will be an economical solution for this case.

Members knowledgable in this line may throw some light on this?


(not verified)

Re: Pouch Conveyor

Erstellt am 21. Dec. 2005 - 05:28

Dear all,

The particle size is - 10 mm and bulk density is 2.4 T/m3.


Re: Pouch Conveyor

Erstellt am 6. Jan. 2006 - 07:14


This sounds like an excellent application for a pouch style conveyor - especially if product containment is an issue.

Out of curiousity, which of the pouch systems have you examined? The two major manufacturers offer viable systems, although I suspect that there may be maintenance issues with the idlers when heavier tonnage is expected.


Dave Miller ADM Consulting 10668 Newbury Ave., N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 USA Tel: 001 330 265 5881 FAX: 001 330 494 1704 E-mail: admconsulting@cs.com
Frans van der Zee
(not verified)

Re: Pouch Conveyor

Erstellt am 19. Jul. 2007 - 10:36

I heave noted that the post is already from 2005.

If you want to have more information about the pouch conveyor (the EBS Conveyor), please look at our web side www.enclosedbulk.com

It can make horizontal curves of 8 meters and 16 meters depending on the size EBS800 or EBS1400.

It also stays enclosed at the tensioning drum.

Hope to have served you,

Best regards

Frans van der Zee

Enclosed Bulk Sytems bv