Lime Silo Discharge

David Bowen - Maguire Group
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 26. Aug. 2005 - 21:20

I'm looking for some general help/ assistance with product management at a lime silo (quick lime). Specifically, a silo having several loads of powdered lime in storage, yet the isolation gate (knife gate) at the base of the silo which will not open or actuate. As such, lime is stuck in the silo and needs to be removed so the isolation valve can be replaced.

All is associated with a dilute phase lime conveyance system. (water plant application)

Has anyone come across this situation in the past? If so, any advise/ assistance is appreciated.

For unknown reasons the ss kifegate at the base of the silo is "frozen" in the closed position? If moisture entered the base of the silo, is it possible this could be the cause of valve failure?

Lastly, there is need to remove product from the silo in order to remove the knife gate. We are having trouble locating vactor type equipment which would allow us to remove product from the top of the silo (30-ft. +/-) and fill tanker delivery trucks. Again, help/ comment is apprecaited.

Dave B

508-543-1700 ext 428

Stuck Slide Valve

Erstellt am 12. Sep. 2005 - 01:10

It sounds as though the slide guides are jammed with product and preventing the slide from moving. Is it possible to relax the fixing bolts of the slide and slip in a blanking plate to clamp against the hopper outlet, so that the opening can be sealed while the slide gate is removed. Then, a non-clog slide valve is needed to prevent a re-occurance. More details are required of the hopper form and the discharge requirements in order to give a more detailed assessement of the best approach. If you care to send details I will review.