Good literature

bart wolput
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 9. Aug. 2005 - 13:05

Hellow I am an student that needs to do my last work for graduating about the subject of flow (ability to move for a powder) and flood (the ability to dust for a powder). I need to find ways to test the flood and find ways to have a better view about our flow. Also I need to test al the parameters that influence powders flowability and floodability. So I need a lot of literature (on the internet, good books, etc) to make the theoreticul fundations of my practical work.

Could you help me with that?


Bart Wolput, Belgium

Re: Testing For Flowability And Floodability

Erstellt am 20. Sep. 2007 - 11:25

We currently have a older machine that does this kind of testing (Carr Index) for you and i'm sure there's newer models for this. But It's done by an instrument that's called the Hosogawa Powder tester and requires no less than 100g of any individual sample for the full battery of tests that go into the assessment of your material.