Trow factor of vibrating conveyors and Rosta swingarms

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 15. May. 2005 - 16:32

Dear all,

a vibrating conveyor for frozen meat has to be designed. They asked me to design an vibrating conveyor with a frequency of 20 Hz and 10mm stroke.

The throw factor = max.VERTICAL through acceleration / gravitational acceleration

If I use Rosta swingarms the maximal through accelaration (not the vertical through acceleration) has to be below 1.7g. This means 20 Hz driving frequency is to high.

The maximum is 12Hz and stroke=6mm

Sow this mean the throwfactor is below 1.

Does this mean the material does not move?

Harm van der Pol

Student Fontys University Eindhoven (Netherlands)

Paul Tamlin - Lindsay Co., Canada
(not verified)

Re: Trow Factor Of Vibrating Conveyors And Rosta Swingarms

Erstellt am 6. Jul. 2005 - 04:15

Have you considered using a horizontal motion tray conveyor for this application, how fast are you trying to move the product (metre/min ), Rather than bouncing it along it would slide on the tray.

Paul Tamlin