Robin Engineering Services

Posted in: , on 31. Jan. 2005 - 17:29

Circle Feeder Demonstrates its Flexibility in a wide range of applications.

The unique circle feeder from the Yoshikawa Corporation in Japan has recently proved to be of tremendous benefit to several companies in Europe. Conceived and designed to ensure the discharge of all types of products from silos in a controlled manner and eliminate the dangers of product segregation or rat-holes in the silo itself, recent installations demonstrate the flexibility of the device.

A classic example of how the Circle feeder can be used is to be found at a power plant in China, where it has been installed in collaboration with Danish engineers from UCC Flakt, to guarantee the discharge of orimulsion ash from the 3000mm diameter outlet of a 500 m3 silo. The ash, which is very fine with a particle size of nominally 10, presented the operator with serious bridging problems prior to the installation due to the cohesive nature of the ash. By installing a circle feeder with two discharge ports the operator is now able to discharge his product at a rate of 285 m3 per hour and be certain of mass product flow in his silo.

In complete contrast to this large installation, the Circle feeder has also been installed by a well known chemical company to give a controlled feed from storage of its Bayferrox pigment powders. Such pigments are typically produced with particle sizes as small as 5 for mixing with dry mortar mixes to produce decorative cements in different colours. Because of the nature of the product there was a tendency to arch over the narrow outlet in the storage silo, which then gave way to flood discharge when the arch broke down. The result of this was frequent waste as the accuracy of the mix could not be guaranteed. To solve the problem the conical section of the silo was removed, a 500 mm dia. circle feeder was fitted and now controlled and accurate feeds from 100 kg to 1000 kg per hour can be achieved.

The Circle Feeder has also proved extremely beneficial to a well-known producer of starches in helping to control the residence time of his products in his reactor. Raw product is taken from storage and fed to the reactor at a rate of 6 tph. The reactor itself has a capacity of 12 tonnes and takes two hours to effect the necessary transformation process on the product operating continually. By modifying the design of the reactor to give mass flow, and fitting a 1200 mm dia. Circle Feeder, it was possible to achieve the required throughput and ensure that product was processed on a first in-first out basis at all times.

The Circle Feeder consists of a stationary base plate, an inner flow control ring with centrally located rotating vanes, and peripheral rotating vanes mounted on an outer ring. The drive shaft, which carries the speed reduction geared motor, passes through the centre of the base plate and connects to the rotating vanes.

For further information, please contact

Mr. Brian Milnes at Robin Engineering Services Ltd.:

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