Bucket elevator blockages

Posted in: , on 6. Jan. 2005 - 21:48

We are handling 10 TPH ferro-silicon with a continuous bucket belt elevator (bucket 8'' x 5''). We experiment many elevator blockages due to material buildup at boot pulley area. It seems that fines or dust produces a solid mass at the elevator base. Does it exist devices or others technical solutions to solve this recurrent problem.

Thanks, best regards.

Bucket Elevator Blockage

Erstellt am 7. Jan. 2005 - 05:28

You can look at two options.

1 - If possible - Install a curved bottom boot to minimized the clearance between the buckets and the bottom of the boot.

2 - Replace your buckets with "digger" style buckets.

Gary Blenkhorn

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Bucket Elevator Blockages

Erstellt am 9. Jan. 2005 - 06:00


Item 1 from last post would be better suited if the tail pulley is not moving i.e. adjustment is at head end

You can also try a small air blaster/nozzle to unblock/release the settled/compacted material...on a timer to activate...works OK for us

Also...ensure that elevator is run out after feed off.



(not verified)

Re: Bucket Elevator Blockages

Erstellt am 15. Jan. 2005 - 09:28

can someone send me contact details of the suppliers of the air blasters being talked of

Re: Bucket Elevator Blockages

Erstellt am 16. Jan. 2005 - 02:56

It is quite possible to design an elevator boot with a curved profile that moves as the boot pulley is adjusted.

Re: Bucket Elevator Blockages

Erstellt am 16. Jan. 2005 - 07:19

Along with the curved, movable boot and digger bucket lip, you might consider using a low friction material liner surface, in the boot, that inhibits product anchoring to boot surface.

L Nordell


Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Dynamic Bottom

Erstellt am 27. Jan. 2005 - 09:09


in general the clogging of material to the bottom should be influenced by avoiding the spillage in the elevator to the best extent. This is mainly influenced by proper feeding (filling into the bucket rather than into the casing) by brpoper discharge (try to reach mass flow out of the bucket rather than gravity of centrifugal discharge and proper bucket design).

For really tough circumstances we developed the concept of a dynamic bottom to loosen the material at the bottom if nothing else helpes. That concept has proven to be reliable an durable over many years with our customers now.

The digger bucket is not really a good idea isnce you will face a lot of wear to the buckets, in particualr if speak about an abrasive material like yours.


Dr. Holger Lieberwirth TAKRAF E-mail: holger.lieberwirth@takraf.com Internet: www.takraf.com

Bucket Elevator Blockages

Erstellt am 23. May. 2005 - 01:57

If you are experiencing build up of material on the boot pulley I would suggest you install a slatted pulley, with a cone in the centre. This would eliminate the build up of material on the pulley. However if you are getting build of material in the boot of the elevator the problems could be as follows:

•The buckets are not being fed correctly and material is bypassing them and falling into the boot. Decrease the bucket spacing.

•The belt velocity might be incorrect to discharge all the material and thus material is returning down the back leg.

•If the material is very fine powder the buckets should be vented to enable better filling and discharge.

Roy Segal

Bucket Elevator Blockages

Erstellt am 23. May. 2005 - 01:57

If you are experiencing build up of material on the boot pulley I would suggest you install a slatted pulley, with a cone in the centre. This would eliminate the build up of material on the pulley. However if you are getting build of material in the boot of the elevator the problems could be as follows:

•The buckets are not being fed correctly and material is bypassing them and falling into the boot. Decrease the bucket spacing.

•The belt velocity might be incorrect to discharge all the material and thus material is returning down the back leg.

•If the material is very fine powder the buckets should be vented to enable better filling and discharge.

Roy Segal

Re: Bucket Elevator Blockages

Erstellt am 5. Dec. 2005 - 07:20

Hello Dauna47

Before you opt for somewhat difficult kind of changes, I will suggest you to make following checks and corrections :

1) You have the problem of material abnormal build-up in boot. This implies that the material from feed chute or material at discharge end is partly falling in to the boot section.

2) Check that material feeding into bucket is at its centre line. This you can see by stopping the elevator and observing (through inspection door) the material lying in the bucket. In case the bucket loading is not at the center, it might be leading to spillage and material build-up in boot section. This is to be corrected by providing flow guides in feeding chute.

3) Similarly, see the material discharge condition at the head end. If the discharge chute mouth is not at appropriate location in conjunction with discharge material trajectory, some portion of material will fall in to the boot section. You can see whether material is dropping from upper end, by opening an inspection door somewhat at middle level and see whether the material is falling from top.

4) Also see whether you are feeding bucket elevator steadily, not exceeding the design capacity. If the feed is unsteady, sometime excessive then also it can lead to material abnormal build-up in boot section. This is to be corrected by ensuring that bucket elevator do not receive excessive feed at any moment of time.

After checking the above you can decide the course of action.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916