Handling & storing of Prilled Sulfur

Posted in: , on 31. Dec. 2004 - 12:27

Dear All,

I want to handle & store prilled sulfur.Kindly let me know the safety to be adopted in the conveyor system as the same is very explosive.Also I want to store the Prilled sulfer in a DOME. Will there be any problem in storing in a dome or other-wise.




Re: Handling & Storing Of Prilled Sulfur

Erstellt am 1. Jan. 2005 - 04:17

Dear Shri Banerjee,

I do not have specific suggestion to your question. But would like to mention as below.

Possibly, sulfur is combustible, and whether it can be rated as explosive? So, one has to take care that fire does not occur at such place by electrical, mechanical or human reasons. The sulfur storage and handling is part of many fertiliser plants, and you can refer to them for their direct experience.

I had dealt with one sulfur handling system (conveying, storing and reclaiming by belt conveyor) in a fertiliser plant, long time back.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916

Handling & Storing Of Prilled Sulfur

Erstellt am 3. Jan. 2005 - 08:22

Dear Mr. Mulani,

Thanks for reply.

Liquid sulfur is poured into PRILLER machine to form prilled ( granueler) sulfur.It is very pure form of sulfur.Size ranging from 5-6mm. During transportation, dust is generated.Sulfur has a relatively low ignition point of 475 deg.F but dust clouds will ignite at low temperature(375deg.F).This clouds of fines arising out during the handling of bulk sulfur in the open & semienclosed spaces are potentially dangerous.( In this connection please refer write-up on fire & explosion by FREEPORT SULFUR HANDBOOK).The dust of sulfur cloud can catch fire like spark & cause explosion.The sulfur handled in Fertilizer plant is not like PRILLED sulfur.I think am clear to you now.



(not verified)

Storage Of Sulphur Prills

Erstellt am 14. Jan. 2005 - 06:33


There are many large producers of pure granulated sulphur world-wide who just store their sulphur prills or pastilles on open piles. Some of the more automated plants store the pastilles in open-topped bins such that new product is dropped through the top and product heading for train or truck off-load comes off the bottom of the bins via trap-doors and conveyors.

There is no real need or advantage to closing off the top, even in

cold (snowy) and wet climates such as that encountered in western Canada.

In fact, I understand that there are some real concerns to address, if you do wish to use closed storage.

I recommend strongly that you contact an expert in this technology, prior to making such a decision. I would recommend you touch base with Dr. James Hyne, President of HYJAY Research & Development, of Calgary, Alberta...Past-President of Alberta Sulphur Research Limited...and recognized the world over as such an authority.

Dr. Hyne has given me the permission to have you contact him directly at hyne@telusplanet.net.

Please be prepared to provide him all of the details on your specific project.

Good luck.

Robbin Wood

Sales Engineer

Sandvik Process Systems Canada

Phone: 1.519.836.4322 x22

Cellular: 1.519.831.5098

Fax: 1.519.836.2177
