Posted in: , on 3. Oct. 2004 - 21:10

When travelling round the country looking at machines in the field I am able to see many weird and wonderful things on vibrating screens.

Discharge Lips on vibrating screeners: Quite often we find a customer will ADD and additional 6,8,12,24 inches of length to the discharge lip to GET TO A CRUSHER more easily.

Then they LINE IT WITH ABRASIVE RESISTANT PLATE, oops it just got heavier.


This does get you to the crusher...............NO PROB....so far so good.


Then the phone rings......and the customer is saying....my machine is NOT WORKING PROPERLY and the discharge lip has probably broken off to boot!


What the customer has done is added additional static weight to the screener ....all at the discharge end....so UNBALANCED...which throws the circles on all 4 corners right off....SHOWING bigger on feed end and smaller on discharge end.


The bearings are now at risk for drastically reduced life now and the machine will be ERRATIC and the material may stop or slow down signifigantly at the discharge lip area. GANG UP, STALL, NO MOVE and be a pain.


I like to always recommend.......before the new sale takes place...how is the screener going to feed the crusher and if need be install a longer DISCHARGE LIP FOR THE CUSTOMER AT THE FACTORY. What is the difference>


The factory now engineers the screener box to be balanced properly taking into consideration the longer, heavier discharge lip and will make it INTEGRAL with the body VS a long, gawky, unwieidly EXTENSION. You very seldom keep the field added lips on.

SEE PICTURE.........

Extending our knowledge daily.............Keep Smiling....George


cone screen (bullnose) (ZIP)

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email]gbaker@telsmith.com[/email] E: (home) [email] gggman353@gmail.com[/email] website: [url]www.telsmith.com[/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.

Re: Extended Discharge Lips

Erstellt am 13. Oct. 2004 - 04:53

hello again George, when we built our 2 screens ,one a 2 deck and one a 3 deck i spent an extra 2 months building cross conveyors. earlier in my career i spent many hours of my nights rewelding OLDSCHOOL discharge lips back on,. now we have 6" maximum lips on both screens no more worn out hard to maintain chutes. its nice to not worry about that with all the other things that go on around a crushing plant. i would like to post a few pictures , just need to scan them . pictures are way better than text. how about a picture fourm?

:D :D :D :D :D keep smiling!!!

Extended Discharge Lips

Erstellt am 15. Oct. 2004 - 06:37

Hi Kasey: I am very big on pictures, much more seen less words, easier to understand. I will see about a picture forum. I use a fair number of pictures in our company website.....

www.assinck.com - take a peak. We just sold a couple of big heavy duty telescopic stackers to a gentleman in southern USA while looking at different pics while discussing on the phone. It was great.

PEOPLE do some very weird things ADDING extended discharge lips and they always crack, break and want to fall off.

tHANKS for your comments. George CANADA

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email]gbaker@telsmith.com[/email] E: (home) [email] gggman353@gmail.com[/email] website: [url]www.telsmith.com[/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.