Powder Segregation

Posted in: , on 30. Sep. 2004 - 14:09

Powder segregation and its impact on finished product attributes is an area I am currently interested in. Hence, I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the key powder properties (apart from particle size and size distribution) and tests that should be carried out on powders/granules which would provide sufficient information to make judgement on whether product segregation is likely to occur.

In addition, I would also appreciate if some references could be provided.

Re: Powder Segregation

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2004 - 02:19

There are several publications that you could obtain readily in the UK - the British Materials Handling Board have a publication "User guide to segregation" ISBN 0 94 6637 113 that would be as good a starting point as any, but also you would be welcome to request any of technical papers that we have produced on various research projects relating to segregation (search our site: http://www.bulksolids.com/techpap.htm).

You could also phone me if you have specific interests or would like to visit our laboratories in London where we could demonstrate our benchscale segregation tester (http://www.bulksolids.com/pressrel.htm) for your interest!


Richard Farnish

The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, Univ.Greenwich, London, UK

e-mail: r.j.farnish@gre.ac.uk
