Screening of embedded metal in PE resins

Posted in: , on 15. Jun. 2004 - 12:17

I hope I'm in the right forum.

At the moment, I have about 800 tonnes of PE resins packed in FIBCs. This 800 tonnes needs to go through metal screening due to suspect of having small metal chips embedded in the PE resins. I think we don't need to worry how it got there but it's there.

So, what I want to do is screen that 800 tonnes of resins. I'm already looking at magnetic screening/separation equipments and pretty much have an idea how to setup a screening station. But, I'm also looking at other alternatives to my solution, which is, sourcing out for other companies that does or specializes in screening of products and let them do the screening.

Question is, is there such a company out there?

Thanx in advance!

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