Bulk Material Handling Product Opportunities

simon shipp
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 24. May. 2004 - 22:26

Bulk Material Handling Product Opportunities

Stock Equipment is an innovative supplier of Bulk Material Handling solutions worldwide. The company is headquartered in the USA with facilities in Europe, India, China and Japan.

We are seeking new routes to market, strategic partners and alliance approaches, predominantly in North America for our innovative bulk material handling products.

These include

•The Stock Container Loader System (SCLS)

Mobile and rapid fill system for ISO shipping containers. Can be used without modification of existing silo installation and provides reduce filling times to below 15 minutes.

•Stock Bulk Reception Unit (SBRU)

Up to 500 tph Bulk intake system with exceptionally low installation, maintenance and running costs

•Stock Conveyor Control and Protection

A group of products designed to reduce and/or warn of exception conditions in mechanical transfer systems. Includes bearing monitors, Automatic greasing, speed switches, level controls and integrated elevator monitoring systems.

•Stock BMH Solutions

Equipment and systems for material intake and product transfer of renewable fuels, metal ores, minerals, clays, grain and other bulk raw materials and finished products.

For more detail or to discuss these opportunities please contact

Simon Shipp

Business Development Bulk Material Handling




1 440 543 6000 ext 217

Material Handling Product Opportunities

Erstellt am 10. Jun. 2004 - 11:35

Independent Consulting Engineer for Bulk Materials Handling and


Independent Consulting Engineer for Carbonisation and Coal and Coke Handling

June 9, 2004 – Kdz.-Eregli (Turkey) - After more than two decades, the Chief Executive Engineer of the Coal and Coke Handling Department of Eregli Iron and Steel Works, Inc., Privatdozent, Dr.Ing. Hayri Ergun, has settled down for business with his own engineering office in Kdz.-Eregli. He is certified and sworn Engineer and Member of Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute (Germany) and the Chamber of Mining Engineers (Turkey) and is an expert of coal carbonisation and coal and coke handling . Metallurgical and Formed Coke Production with and without conventional coke ovens, also with coals with lower coking properties, and high-capacity coal and coke handling plants and coke ovens are the basis of his know-how in this field. For further information please consult https://who.bulk-online.com/profile/...yri-ergun.html

The following services are offered in particular:

• Consulting, advice, examination and recommendation with regard to dimensioning and designing of Industrial Plant Engineering, Coke Making Technology, Bulk Materials Handling and Processing

• Risk Survey Reports and Judgement and Evaluation of Damage,

• Special Investigation and concluding Facts,

• Representation, and Presentation of know-how,

• Process optimization and drawing conclusions from available results and facts,

• Concepts and expert opinions with regard to newconstruction and reconstructions,

• Arbitrator by order of the contract parties.

• Individual plant and personal optimization for every customer and/or project monitoring,

• Technical evaluation on patents regarding this kind of machinery, equipment and procedure.

• Evaluations and judgements of Process, Plant, Equipment and Technology

Certification and swearing-in guarantees impartiality and independence as well as compliance with the duties of a publicly certified and sworn Engineer . For more details please contact

Dr. H. Ergun


Independent Consulting Engineer

Erdemir Cad., 62/2


Tel.: ++90 372 323 15 67

++90 372 322 76 22

GSM: ++90 532 507 95 93

E-Mail: hergun@mail.koc.net