Automatic sampling equipment

Posted in: , on 20. May. 2004 - 17:18

Dear Sir or Madam,

we would like to address your company with a technical challenge to design an automatic sampling equipment for titanium dioxide.

We would like to implement in our production facility a new automatic packaging system for weighing and filling of titanium dioxide into 25 kg valve bottom paper bags (2-spout turbine packer) with capacity of ca. 10 t/h that is ca. 350 - 450 bags/h. In view of our final quality control we would need to take 4 times a grab sample of ca. 30 - 50 g in order to collect one reference sample of ca. 120 - 200 g (one paper or PE bag resp. one container) per each ton of the product being bagged. The packer will be running continuously in ca. 30-minute intervals followed by ca. 5-minute breaks that are necessary for loading of the packing machine with new empty bags. We suppose that an operator during those 5-minute break intervals could also collect all reference samples (five) and could load new bags or container for samples.

As for the arrangement the only possibility, in our opinion, where to place the automatic sampling equipment is somewhere into a special rubber hose which is between a docking device (outlet of the silo) and the impeller packer inlet (refer to sketch).

Product data

type : micronized, surface treated rutile grade

temperature : 50/60/80 deg C

specific density : 4100 kg/m3

bulk density : 550 - 890 kg/m3

angle of repose : 35 deg

particle size under 1 m : 99%

particle size d50 : 0.30 m

moisture : 0.5% (bonded in product)

characteristics : chemically neutral, abrasive, sticky and bridging material

Design material

all parts in contact with the product are made of stainless steel of DIN standard 1.4301 or the like

all other parts are made of mild steel

Re: Automatic Sampling Equipment

Erstellt am 24. May. 2004 - 10:33

We have successfully sampled titanium dioxide on numerous occasions, and have references.

The sampler will reqiure certain special features to work successfully.

If you would like to contact me with your enquiry details and I can put forward a proposal for you.
