Grain flow rate

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 12. Sep. 2003 - 16:07

I have just entered in this forum and I would like to known if someone has some information on grain flow rate through orifices and pipes: equations to predict the maximum flow rate in a specific diameter, angle and product; software for predicting the flow; design of grain spreaders...

Thanks in advance...

Re: Grain Flow Rate

Erstellt am 15. Sep. 2003 - 06:23

A couple of basic papers on the flow of grain through orifices are given below. If you use these to initiate a literature search (including a citation search) using the services of a competent librarian, I think you will discover quite a bit of literature on the subject.

Beverloo W A et al, The flow of granular solids through orifices, Chemical Engineering Science, 1961, Vol 15, pp260-269

Chang C S, Converse H H, Flow Rates of Wheat and Sorghum through Horizontal Orifices, Transactions of the ASEA V31(1), Jan-Feb 1988.

Alternatively, type the following into your search engine and you will find an on-line document.

ASAE D274.1 DEC96

I can circulate grain through a test rig at around 20 tph if this would be of use.


Peter Donecker Bulk Solids Modelling [url][/url] [url][/url]
(not verified)

Re: Grain Flow Rate

Erstellt am 15. Sep. 2003 - 01:20

Thank you a lot for answering my question... I have already tested the equations found in the papers you mentioned, but they don’t predict well my problem. I am not sure, but those equations are for the grain flow rate through orifices and I need the grain flow rate through pipes.

Best regards