Re: Milling Of Dry Organic Solids

Erstellt am 3. Feb. 2003 - 06:27

It would be helpful if you could provide more details on the characteristics of the powder.

Antonio Reis

Re: Milling Of Dry Organic Solids

Erstellt am 4. Feb. 2003 - 06:40

Dear Mr Reis

The powder is organic solid (DecaBromoDiphenil Oxide)

Density- 0.6-1.6 gr/cc

Mhos hardness about 2.

meltning point about 300 celsius.

your sincerely

(not verified)

Re: Milling Of Dry Organic Solids

Erstellt am 14. Feb. 2003 - 01:11

try CTSP 908-359-7616

(not verified)

Re: Milling Of Dry Organic Solids

Erstellt am 2. Jul. 2003 - 07:46

my company is a toll processing company which i think can help you out. please contact me at 215-631-3173 it would be very important to know everything about this material as possible. packaging raw feed, packaging finish product, moisture sensative, are fine ok, is there a color spec?