Quality in Particulate Manufacture - Seminar in London

Posted in: , on 25. Dec. 2002 - 15:02

Quality in Particulate Manufacture

14 Janurary 2003 - London, UK

Topic overview

Particle degradation (breakage), segregation (de-blending) and caking (lumping) are common problems in solids processing plants. Such problems can result in significant on-costs to production based materials.

Over the last few years the Universities of Greenwich and Surrey, in collaboration with six major UK based processing organisations have, with the support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), been undertaking a programme of research that has the objective of providing new approaches for addressing these product quality issues.

The purpose of the seminar is to present the industrially applicable and significant findings from this major research activity.


The venue for this one day event will be the Greenwich Maritime Campus of the University of Greenwich.

For further information on the research work and seminar programme, please visit:


Richard Farnish, University of Greenwich, London


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