Bin Level Indicator

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 13. Feb. 2002 - 22:48

I have had great difficulty finding a reliable bin (low and high level) indicator. We have used ribbon sensors which accumulate feed and give false readings, we use Bindicator Brand indicators which constantly give false readings.

We manufacture dry pet food. The grains would include whole corn, soy, midds, and also powder substances. The moisture problem is also something to contend with, as all our bins are exposed to the elements. We also have a problem with condensate inside the plant in bins. Is there a level indicator that withstands moisture, caking, etc?

This has been an ongoing issue in this plant for years.

I welcome suggestions and approaches that may help us with this problem.

Thank you

Lisa Appleton

Maintenance Planner

Delight Products Springfield TN

(not verified)

Bin Level Indicator

Erstellt am 14. Feb. 2002 - 11:17

In response to the application problem mentioned by Lisa Appleton of Delight Products, I suggest that she may like to consider our Autoset level probe for her pet food application.

We have used the product in many applications in pet food and in related products such as animal feed mills, flour flow mills etc.

The secret is the "Power Shield" compensator circuitry which eliminates the effect of material sticking to the probe and allows the unit to sense only a true covered condition. The compensation system is so effective that we use the same probe in a foundry sand and resin mixture with total success.

The Autoset range is available from our US distributor.

4B Elevator Componenets Ltd

729 Sabrina Drive

East Peoria


61611 USA

Tel: 309 698 5611

Fax:309 698 5615


Contact: Johnny Wheat

Roy Zielinski
(not verified)

Genuine Bindicator

Erstellt am 14. Feb. 2002 - 04:27

Thank you, Lisa, for purchasing genuine Bindicator brand bin level indicators. I am sorry that you are having some problems with one of our products. I would like to help you with correcting this. Bindicator manufactures many types of level controls and transmitters utilizing many different technologies. You could browse our website at to see the various choices and options. I’m not sure what you refer to as a “ribbon sensor” is. Perhaps you are referring to our continuous “Phase Tracker” measurement system, which uses a twinaxial style sensing cable to measure the height of material in the bin. This system has a built in modem. Our service technicians can “dial up” your Phase Tracker unit and diagnose any problems as well as make adjustments. Please contact us at 1-800-778-9242 if you ever have any problems, questions, or concerns about Bindicators. Our RF Series of controls best handles the application of point level indication you described in various grains and powders. The “PRO-Guard” feature of our RF sensors eliminates false indication from material coating the probe. Products like the RF9000 and RF8000 have been handling this application problem for over 20 years. You can find your local sales representative by visiting , or give us a call and we’ll help you from here.


Roy Zielinski

Manager of Applications


Spartanburg, SC

(not verified)

Re: Bin Level Indicator

Erstellt am 15. Feb. 2002 - 08:44

Hi Lisa,

I have heard from Reinhard Wöhlbier from your problem with your bin level sensor and that there is also moisture involved. We are manufacturers of moisture sensors and can measure online the moisture and humidity in all kinds of applications. Also in pet food,flours and powders.

Please have a look at

If you want a catalogue please give us your detailed address under

For your level problem I can recommend you a company called Milltronics (which is bought by Siemens now). They have radar bin level sensors to be mounted on the top and they can suppress the surroundings such as dust, foam, dirt etc. They are really good. The email address is www. The English phone number of Carl Pinches is +44 1905 450500.

Good luck!

Best regards,

Michael Spitzlei

ACO Automation Components

Moisture Measuring Systems and Components

Andrew Bowman
(not verified)

Choosing The Correct Level Monitor

Erstellt am 15. Feb. 2002 - 09:41

Application involving the level detection of sticky, moisture laden materials or material which vary in physical composition require the utmost care in selection the proper detection technology.

Applications involving contact type ('Bindicator') point level detectors on sticky, moisture laden materials are indeed difficult. One must keep in mind the basic operating parameter of contact type point level detectors; they simply monitor for the absence or presence of material at the specific point at which the instrument has been installed. If material has accumulated on the sensing element then material is indeed present and the instrument will react accordingly. Of course this is not what an operator really wants to know, they want to know actual product level.

Some contact type sensor technologies are more forgiving to the accumulation of product on the sensing instrument.

Most R.F. Capacitance level detectors have some ability to ignore the coating of residual material that may accumulate on a sensing probe. However, if the physical composition of the material changes, such as an increase in the product's moisture content in your application, the R.F.Capacitance probe may indeed react to the build up of moist material. Certainly no good.

Rotary Paddle type are probably the most forgiving, universally applicable contact type level detectors. These level monitors can shed material as they operate. Only under the most extreme conditions will they foul but it does happen.

In the most extreme application it many be necessary to choose a noncontact type level detector. Ultrasonic technologies are the most popular. This type of level detection system bounces sound energy off the surface of the material column. The time of flight is measured from which the material level or height determined. Relay contacts can be programmed to energies at the desired level.

Monitor Technologies offers a wide range of any of the above mentioned technologies, as well as others. Our application engineers would be happy to work on your project to determine the best system. Just call 800-766-6486

Re: Bin Level Indicator

Erstellt am 18. Feb. 2002 - 08:51

Just to bring in a different angle on this discussion, surely your concerns should be focussed on moisture / caking issues which prevent the level sensors from working correctly. I would have thought that the potential for fermentation and aflatoxin development would be high on you agenda. If you had vessels that operated without creating areas of non-moving material (i.e.first in, first out discharge), then the issues of caking and moisture affects would be drastically reduced. There is no reason why provision for conditioning could not be implemented (as is done in the sugar industry) if the aforementioned flow pattern was insufficient in its own right. Product quality should be the driving force behind getting the vessel operating correctly.

There are potentially more serious issues at stake here than purely level detection problems.


Richard Farnish

The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, Univ. Greenwich, London, UK