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18.5022378, 73.8299634

Yeshwant Sakhardande
Deputy General Manager
18, Rishiraj, Uco Bank Colony, Patwardhan Bau
Pune (Maharashtra) 411004
+91 20 544 750 8
+91 20 747 115 0
About Yeshwant Sakhardande

Panaji - Goa India
B. Tech.(Mech. Engg.) Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
Presently employed as DGM Design and Engg. Sugar Mills and Crushing Plants(since 1983)
Worked as Production Engineer at ATLAS COPCO - Pune (1980 to 83)

Trekking, Music, Photography

Know-how and experience:
Sugar Mills and Crushing Plants

Fields of Consulting work:
crushing and grinding

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