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-27.5034656, 152.9652626

Rossen Halatchev
Senior Research Fellow
Isles Road
Indooroopilly (QLD) 4068
+61 7 336 559 59
+61 7 336 558 80
About Rossen Halatchev

Studied Mining Engineering in the Moscow Mining Institute, Russia where hew obtained a M.Sc degree in Hydraulic Mining. In 1987 he was rewarded a PhD degree from the University of Mining & Geology, Bulgaria. At present he works as a Research Fellow for the CRCMining of the University of Queensland, Australia.
Research area: open pit design and production scheduling optimization, equipment selection, computer modelling, stochastic modelling of technological processes, risk analysis and evaluation of mine projects, slope stability analysis.

Know-how and experience:
Optimzation of technological flows relevant to powder and bulk solids handling

Education: M.Sc. from Moscow Mining Institute, Moscow in 1981, and Ph.D. from the UNiversity of Mining & Geology, Sofia in 1987.
Worked for the Medet Copper Mine Surface Mining Department of the University of Mining & Geology, Sofia Mining Department of the Ministry of Industry of Bulgaria, Queensland University of Technology and University of Queensland, Brisbane.

Know-how and experience:
expert in open pit design and production scheduling optimization (OPDPS)in base metals,coal mining, and industrial minerals stochastic modelling of technological processes, risk analysis and economic evaluation in mining.

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