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41.746429, 22.199654

Dr. Risto Dambov
Doctor of sciences, Phd of mining
Goce Delcev 89
Stip 2000
North Macedonia
+389 0 923 909 77
+389 0 923 968 75
About Risto Dambov

Born in Radovis
Doctor of sciences, grad.min.eng.
Date of grad.: 04.10.1982
Date of master of sciences: 10.11.1993
Phd doctor: 06.06.2001
1982 - 1987, operating enginer in open pit "Damjan" near Radovis
1987 - Faculty of mining and geology -Stip, University of Skopje
Sojuz na inzineri na Republika Makedonija,
Table tenis,

Know-how and experience:
I am interesting about blasting materials, blasting - process, drilling etc.

Fields of Consulting work:
drilling, blasting, education

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