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Mfundo Thango
Founder and Chairman
About Mfundo Thango

Mr Thango started off as a Business
Development Consultant, focusing on
the Mentoring and Development of young and aspirant entrepreneurs, and is currently a registered member of the Institute of Business Advisors, and the Coaches and Mentors of South Africa (COMENSA).

He went on to pursue numerous business development and management courses, that will later fine tune his business acumen, after which he established Bantu Batho Group, which is a diversified group with interests in Food Manufacturing, Health Care Risk Waste Management and SMME Development.

Mfundo has been recognised through a number of business awards and accolades for his contribution in business development, including the recent “Top Young Black Entrepreneur of the Year” among others.

His Personal Motto: “Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those that dare believe that something inside them is superior to circumstances surrounding them”

Know-how and experience:

I am well experienced in Business Leadership and Management, having attained a number of qualifications in this field.

In my line of business I deal with the production of powder form food products, and therefore well vessed in the field of powder handling.

Fields of Consulting work:

- Business Advicing
- Business Mentoring
- Deal Structuring


Food Fortification through dry powder premixes- a solution to Food Shortage for Food Security

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