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Gemini Smith
About Gemini Smith

The cell expression and Fc binding affinity of the FcηR, which is made up of FcηRI (CD64), FcηRII (CD32), and FcηRIII (CD16), varies. FcγRI is expressed in monocytes, dendritic cells, and IFN-γ-activated neutrophils. It binds to the Fc region with KD~10-8-8-10-9 M. There are five isoforms of FcγRII, which binds to the Fc region with a relatively modest affinity (KD~10-7 M). Among these, the inhibitory factor FcγRIIb is crucial for immune control because it primarily carries an inhibitory pattern based on immunoreceptor tyrosine on B cells. For more: Fc engineering for effector function inhibition

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