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Charlie Zhang , B.Sc.
Process Engineer, project engineer
About Charlie Zhang

Lee Measure is undertaken by Charlie Lee Zhang in 2012. He has Master Degree of Chemical Machinery and Chemical process and he has tanked many project design and construction process for internationalcompanies, e.g. in 1998, Zhejiang Shell lubrication oil and bitumenblending plants in 2005,Jiangsu Vopak chemical terminal in 2007,Zhejiang DaxieStoltterminal and design a transportation piping to MAPin 2009, Jiangsu Zhangjiagang silicone rubber and VAE emulsion process package design In 2009, in Jiangsu Zhangjiagang taken a special machine design for mixing powder and high viscosity fluid with global senior experts

2009/3 – Today
(15 Years / 5 Months)
Project Manager, Set up new plant
2004/3 – Today
(20 Years / 5 Months)
Process Engieer, basic design and Detail Design
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