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More Info Please

Posted on 7. Sep. 2012 - 11:22

G'day Sathish, In order to get intelligent input from people on this forum you would need to explain why you have these two profiles up for consideration or, more particularly, the top one since the bottom one is a conventional configuration and no-one would be surprised by it. So, what drives you to consider the top one, what are the trade-offs / situation you are trying to deal with to configure that? In any case, once you define this properly you may no longer have a q as the answer should be obvious! Assuming you can do the calcs and know what convex radius is acceptable for edge tensions on the belt - just to check that you can actually do what is being considered, but you know this already.....?

The Evil Of Two Lessers

Posted on 8. Sep. 2012 - 04:46

Feeding onto a sloped tail gives you more travel...which you do not need.

What you do need, is to get away from trippers altogether and replace them with a simple 13 - 14m shuttle which will allow you to lower the headroom, provide central discharge and probably squeeze anothe bin down under if you so desire. It's not rocket science once you learn to fly.

You might even fit still one more bin under becaue if you can feed onto the tail end with 14 deg on one option you must be prepared to do it on any option.

Space for one or two extra bins, reduced headroom requirement and simplified chutework and travelling structure: all for nowt on a Saturday morning while my coffee cools. If the sun wasn't shining so bright I'd bill yer.

And while I'm in the mood....I got subscript etc on the text toolbar when I asked for it. Good move & I already said thanks. BUT...CAN I HAVE THE SMILIES BACK: PLEASE SIR?

Re: Tripper Profile

Posted on 8. Sep. 2012 - 07:28

I would not recommend #1 due to the convex curve required which if not designed properly can cause many problems such as idler junction failure of the belting and heavy loads on idlers in that area.

Be very careful with the curve radius into the tripper. A thorough design analysis is required to determine this radius correctly. The design of this radius may eliminate your ability to go with option #1.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Tripper Profile

Posted on 12. Sep. 2012 - 12:28

One small point..

I see that one reply above recommends you use a shuttle conveyor.

Beware the problem that if you are filling several bins, you may have to cross over full bins to get to the empty ones. It is often the case that you have to interupt the material feed to achieve this. This is a pain..

This could perhaps be why you have 2 trippers?

Also, if I had an evening with Maria Sharapova for each tripper installation I have had to re-design for luck-less clients, I would be a very content chap.


Taggart LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs