Pneumatic Conveying with Pellbows

Posted in: , on 22. Jul. 2012 - 13:47

The Pellbow®

No worn out pipe bends, no streamers.

Pneumatic conveying of abrasive dry bulk materials cause wear of the standard radius pipe bends. Replacement of Pipe bends with the wear resistant Pellbow® eliminates this problem. The Pellbow® also prevents attrition of the conveyed bulk material. The creation of Streamers or angel hair will be prevented when using a Pellbow®.

(read more in attached brochure below)

How it works

The Pellbow® Resists Wear – Naturally. In traditional long radius elbow installations, the conveyed product slides along the elbow wall at a high velocity. The strong centrifugal force presses the product against the outer metal surface. This causes friction and heat which creates streamers and breakage. By design, material flowing through the Pellbow® accumulates in the pocket or “impact zone” and moves slowly upward and out. Incoming material is deflected at 90 degrees with minimum resistance and no impact damage. See also the graphic that explains the working principle. Another photo shows the build-out of the material protection pocket in a clear Pellbow®. See also photos of Pellbows installed in pneumatic conveying systems.

Pneumatic conveying with Pellbows®

Pellbow® Applications

• All high and low density dilute phase systems

• Plastic pellets, other granules and abrasive products

• Replacement of long and short radius elbows and other pipe bends

Pellbow® Features

• Compact and easy to install

• 100% self-cleaning, no additional cleaning air required

• Reduced noise level

• Minimized pressure drop

• Various fittings and metals to address a wide range of requirements

More information:

Google search:

"bulk-online Leader"


pelletron_pellbow_brochure (PDF)

Pellbow Details

Posted on 9. Apr. 2014 - 06:01

I am Jahanzeb from Pakistan working at Engro Polymers. We use a pneumatic system to convey PVC powder from hopper till the silos. We are facing issue regarding the PVC gel formation specially at the bends. Kindly inform me about your experience to how adding a Pellbow will benefit us and are there other industries where it is being used.

Thank you in advance,

Kindly email me your views on the above given address.

Thank you