Conveyor to Move Sand

Posted in: , on 24. Oct. 2009 - 08:16

Hi, I am an engineering student and i have to put forward a proposal design for a conveyor that moves sand.

Here are the specifics.

A conveyor, carrying sand at 30 tonnes per hour and over a horizontal distance of

20 m with an incline of 10 degrees.

I am having trouble finding specific information about the structural frame of a design. Could anyone point me in the right direction.

I have to do frame calculations for this and explain my proposal however i cannot find anything specific about structures of conveyors so its making it more difficult for me to pick a final design to propose.

Any information you can give me that will relate to my problem is much appreciated. Thank you.

Re: Conveyor To Move Sand

Posted on 24. Oct. 2009 - 01:12

Really what you are talking about is a structural design problem.

You need a few decisions -

can I have intermediate supports?

have I to be self supporting over the full 20 m length?

do I need a walkway to one side of the conveyor?

All of the above will determine your support frame.

Probably the simplest solution is to attach your carry and return idlers to longitudinal stringers, say rolled steel sections, then add supports to ground level at the tail and head end, with intermediate supports dictated by the stress and deflection in the stringers.