Explaining Conveyor Drawings

Posted in: , on 20. Oct. 2009 - 03:53

Hi All,

I have got some conveyor drawings and there are some abreviations in it which you may help me to understand what they really mean:

1- RL 182.175 T.O.C NOM which points to the concrete plinth of the staructure. What is the RL ? I know T.O.C is top of concrete.

2-WP RL 184.580 U/S BELT

Which points to the pulley

3-IP RL 189.087

Which points to an idler

Thank you in advance

Best Regards, [I][B]Alex Kaveh Senior Mechanical Engineer Mobile : 0451 563 155 Email : [email]alexkaveh@gmail.com[/email][/B][/I]
Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Explaining Conveyor Drawings

Posted on 20. Oct. 2009 - 03:22

1. Reduced level, basically a height measurement from some reference.


2. WP = work point - probably intersection of US of belt with perpendicular CL of pulley.

3. IP = intersection point - probably theorectical intersection of US of belt line.



Re: Explaining Conveyor Drawings

Posted on 20. Oct. 2009 - 09:56
Quote Originally Posted by Lyle BrownView Post

3. IP = intersection point - probably theorectical intersection of US of belt line.



Belt line is a line, cannot have an underside, which it is already.

Similarly mirrors are legally required on trucks & buses but they are not considered part of the vehicle overall width. Fascinating stuff, engineering.

Re: Explaining Conveyor Drawings

Posted on 7. Dec. 2009 - 05:39

1. Rl-reference level

2.i.p-intersection point

3.u/s belt-under side of belt

(not verified)

Re: Explaining Conveyor Drawings

Posted on 7. Dec. 2009 - 12:06
Quote Originally Posted by Lyle BrownView Post
1. Reduced level, basically a height measurement from some reference.


2. WP = work point - probably intersection of US of belt with perpendicular CL of pulley.

3. IP = intersection point - probably theorectical intersection of US of belt line.



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