How to Check Resonance?

Posted in: , on 15. Aug. 2009 - 16:37


Dear All,

As you know the machines like crushers and screeners produce vibration. the structures that support the machines needs to be checked in terms of vibration and resonance.

Do you have any idea how we can check the resonance?

Thank you in advance for your replies.

Best Regards, [I][B]Alex Kaveh Senior Mechanical Engineer Mobile : 0451 563 155 Email : [email][/email][/B][/I]

Re: How To Check Resonance?

Posted on 15. Aug. 2009 - 03:04

Dear Alex,

Equipment vibrations are checked with an accelero-measuring device.

Have a look at:

A sound level-measuring device, equipped with an accelero-sensor, already does the trick.

Fourrier analysis equipment gives you the full information of the measured vibrations.

The knowledge of the theory behind the world of vibrations and oscillations is a must though, to understand what you are doing.

Before buying any equipment, define the vibration range, in which you want to measure.

Structural calculation analysis is more complicated. This is a coupled mass/stiffness issue, which requires the full knowledge of the vibration theory.

Natural frequencies are checked with exitation frequencies.

If these coincide, there will be resonance, unless the damping is sufficient.


