Conveyor Design Software ?

Posted in: , on 9. Aug. 2009 - 09:32

Hi All,

I am a mechanical design engineer and recently I have studied the CEMA book of Bulk Materials Handling and designed a conveyor based on the formulas and method (Universal Method) mensioned in the book.

As I am not working for a company that designs conveyors and this is my first design I am not 100 percent sure that the design is OK.

I have heard that the big conveyor design companies use conveyor design software for the design purpose.

If any of you have any experience using advanced software, can you please let me know that what are the differences between using the CEMA book Universal Method for designing the conveyor and advanced software?

Also Can you please name the most common and popular software used in Australia?

Finally, If I put all the formulas and tables of CEMA book in an excel spread sheet and somehow automate the design , what will be the difference between my spread sheet and that software in the market?

Sorry for too many questions.

Thank you in advance for your replies.


Alex Kaveh

Mechanical Engineer

McLanahan Corporation

mobile : 0405 275 891

Email :

Best Regards, [I][B]Alex Kaveh Senior Mechanical Engineer Mobile : 0451 563 155 Email : [email][/email][/B][/I]

Re: Conveyor Design Software ?

Posted on 9. Aug. 2009 - 10:49

So you're working for a company that doesn't design belt conveyors, but you are designing your first one "out of a book". Is this a design exercise or one that your company intends to build? If it's a real one I'd rather not be the customer thank you.

Many of those in the business of designing and making belt conveyors have their own in-house programmes to assist in the design which have been developed over the years (I have a copy of one programme developed by a past colleague that started life on a Sinclair Spectrum!).

There are a number of commercial software packages on the market. I won't list them as you can google just as easily as me. As you're in Oz maybe Delta T from Helix might be one for you to consider.

But remember that conveyor design is a bit more than stuffing numbers into a formula, or spreadsheet, or bit of software. GIGO applies here, just as much as elsewhere.

Thanks Designer

Posted on 9. Aug. 2009 - 12:31

The design is just for my own practice only and not to be manufactured (So do not worry mate).

In the near future I will be involved in the design of Belt feeders which use the same principals of the belt conveyors I think.

I am really interested in this field of design and I am trying to learn as much as I can.

Thank you again for your reply.



Best Regards, [I][B]Alex Kaveh Senior Mechanical Engineer Mobile : 0451 563 155 Email : [email][/email][/B][/I]