Erosion Resistant Impeller

Posted in: , on 9. Jun. 2009 - 12:31

Erosion resistant impeller EPOX-R

Streamlined blade shape stops impact wear / Longer service life / Less maintenance and spare parts cost

For ACHEMA 2009 the EKATO Rühr- und Mischtechnik GmbH (RMT) presented the new impeller EKATO EPOX-R with streamlined blades to suppress trailing vortices which are the trigger of fast progressing impact wear. The new impeller’ s field of application is therefore mainly the mining industry reducing the risk of unplanned shut downs due to worn out equipment.

In highly erosive suspensions the impellers are subject to high wear rates. Low tip speeds mitigate this negative effect but cannot avoid it completely. Protective coatings can only be used in a narrow range of chemical and operational conditions. The new EKATO EPOX-R offers a simple means for an extended service life and hence less cost for maintenance and spare parts.

For more information, please visit:

Figure: EKATO’ s new impeller EPOX-R with streamlined blades creates less vortices with reduced erosive wear


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