News from Linc Energy

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 4. Dec. 2008 - 12:17

Underground Coal Gasification

Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) clean coal technology is a proven underground combustion process, which produces a synthetic gas or syngas at the surface that can be economically used for a variety of purposes including:

* Production of liquid fuels using Coal To Liquids technology

* Electricity generation using gas turbines / combined cycles

* As feedstock in different petrochemical processes

UCG clean coal technology has been successfully operating commercially at a number of sites in the ex-Soviet Union for more than 40 years, where two plants are still in operation. In this application the syngas is used primarily for power generation and heating.

Linc Energy through an extensive R&D programme, which included government support, has developed a benchmark UCG facility at Chinchilla in Queensland, Australia. This is the first facility of its kind to have achieved sustained success in the western world.

Linc Energy´s long term business plan is to use the syngas produced via UCG as feedstock to an adjacent on-site Coal To Liquids (CTL) plant with a target production capacity of 20,000 barrels of diesel fuel per day (20,000 BPD). Most importantly, the diesel fuel produced from Linc´s syngas will be a cleaner alternative to conventional refinery diesel.

Additionally, Linc Energy´s long term business plan is to use the syngas produced via UCG as feedstock in a Gas Turbine or Combined Cycle plant to generate much-needed and more environmentally friendly electricity.

Bringing together the unique production processes of UCG clean coal technology and CTL presents exciting opportunities for the future of the company and the country. Linc´s syngas is a much cheaper feedstock for the CTL process than traditional sources such as Natural Gas or Coal Gas derived from above ground coal gasification.

The unique advantage is that Linc can produce its syngas directly from the coal seam and then feed the output straight into the CTL Plant and Power Plant planned for the Chinchilla site.

The innovative thinking that has led to this unique process combination has the potential to make Linc Energy one of the world´s leading producers and suppliers of ultra-clean liquid fuels. This has an added advantage of helping address the insatiable global demand for diesel and other liquid fuels.

For more information, please visit Linc Energy Australia

Clean Coal Companies

Posted on 16. Dec. 2008 - 06:32

Providing Clean Coal Technologies is so useful for th e environment.The forum began with the emergence of Clean tech as a global industry and explored the opportunities for Australia and how we can capitalize on the surging economy of India. We then explored how finance and industry can accelerate the growth of Clean tech and how we can create a globally competitive Clean tech Industry for Australia.

Clean Coal Companies

Posted on 16. Dec. 2008 - 06:32

Providing Clean Coal Technologies is so useful for th e environment.The forum began with the emergence of Clean tech as a global industry and explored the opportunities for Australia and how we can capitalize on the surging economy of India. We then explored how finance and industry can accelerate the growth of Clean tech and how we can create a globally competitive Clean tech Industry for Australia.

Clean Coal Companies

Posted on 16. Dec. 2008 - 06:49

There are still many opponents to coal, mainly environmentalists, and the term "clean coal" still remains an oxymoron to most people.

With China now demanding more coal than it can produce and India following right behind, and plug-in hybrid cars going mainstream in the US due to outrageous gas prices, coal is going to become a very hot commodity.

"Within the next few years, power companies are planning to build about 150 coal plants to meet growing electricity demands.They are producing the advance technology of Carbon Capture and Sequestration.

Clean Coal Companies

Posted on 16. Dec. 2008 - 06:49

There are still many opponents to coal, mainly environmentalists, and the term "clean coal" still remains an oxymoron to most people.

With China now demanding more coal than it can produce and India following right behind, and plug-in hybrid cars going mainstream in the US due to outrageous gas prices, coal is going to become a very hot commodity.

"Within the next few years, power companies are planning to build about 150 coal plants to meet growing electricity demands.They are producing the advance technology of Carbon Capture and Sequestration.

News From Linc Energy

Posted on 19. Dec. 2008 - 08:03

Clean Coal Companies

UCG Clean Coal Technology has been successfully operating commercially at a number of sites in the ex-Soviet Union for more than 40 years, where two plants are still in operation. In this application the syngas is used primarily for power generation and heating.

Linc Energy through an extensive R&D programme, which included government support, has developed a benchmark UCG facility at Chinchilla in Queensland, Australia. This is the first facility of its kind to have achieved sustained success in the western world.

Linc Energy´s long term business plan is to use the syngas produced via UCG as feedstock to an adjacent on-site Coal To Liquids (CTL) plant with a target production capacity of 20,000 barrels of diesel fuel per day (20,000 BPD). Most importantly, the diesel fuel produced from Linc´s syngas will be a cleaner alternative to conventional refinery diesel.

Additionally, Linc Energy´s long term business plan is to use the syngas produced via UCG as feedstock in a Gas Turbine or Combined Cycle plant to generate much-needed and more environmentally friendly electricity.

News From Linc Energy

Posted on 19. Dec. 2008 - 08:03

Clean Coal Companies

UCG Clean Coal Technology has been successfully operating commercially at a number of sites in the ex-Soviet Union for more than 40 years, where two plants are still in operation. In this application the syngas is used primarily for power generation and heating.

Linc Energy through an extensive R&D programme, which included government support, has developed a benchmark UCG facility at Chinchilla in Queensland, Australia. This is the first facility of its kind to have achieved sustained success in the western world.

Linc Energy´s long term business plan is to use the syngas produced via UCG as feedstock to an adjacent on-site Coal To Liquids (CTL) plant with a target production capacity of 20,000 barrels of diesel fuel per day (20,000 BPD). Most importantly, the diesel fuel produced from Linc´s syngas will be a cleaner alternative to conventional refinery diesel.

Additionally, Linc Energy´s long term business plan is to use the syngas produced via UCG as feedstock in a Gas Turbine or Combined Cycle plant to generate much-needed and more environmentally friendly electricity.

Clean Coal-Fired Power Plants

Posted on 23. Jan. 2009 - 10:16

Clean coal-fired power plants have been touted as a remedy for an environmentally challenged age, offering the promise of turning cheap but dirty coal into a pollution-free energy source.

Don't turn off those wind turbines yet.

At least eight clean coal plants, more than a third of those on the drawing board, have been canceled, delayed or rejected by regulators this year. Developers cite soaring construction costs, technology hurdles and uncertainty about regulation of greenhouse gases.

Clean Coal-Fired Power Plants

Posted on 23. Jan. 2009 - 10:16

Clean coal-fired power plants have been touted as a remedy for an environmentally challenged age, offering the promise of turning cheap but dirty coal into a pollution-free energy source.

Don't turn off those wind turbines yet.

At least eight clean coal plants, more than a third of those on the drawing board, have been canceled, delayed or rejected by regulators this year. Developers cite soaring construction costs, technology hurdles and uncertainty about regulation of greenhouse gases.

Clean Coal Plant

Posted on 23. Jan. 2009 - 10:19

So much for clean coal—at least for now. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that it has canceled plans to build a prototype 275-megawatt power plant, its first so-called FutureGen facility, in Mattoon, Ill., which was designed to burn coal to produce electricity, and then sock away 90 percent of the resulting climate change–causing carbon dioxide safely underground.

Clean Coal Plant

Posted on 23. Jan. 2009 - 10:19

So much for clean coal—at least for now. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that it has canceled plans to build a prototype 275-megawatt power plant, its first so-called FutureGen facility, in Mattoon, Ill., which was designed to burn coal to produce electricity, and then sock away 90 percent of the resulting climate change–causing carbon dioxide safely underground.

Re: News From Linc Energy

Posted on 13. Feb. 2009 - 12:34

I also agree. My father was an early user of mechanised coal face equipment & he would also agree. Clean & coal don't belong in the same sentence!

Re: News From Linc Energy

Posted on 13. Feb. 2009 - 12:34

I also agree. My father was an early user of mechanised coal face equipment & he would also agree. Clean & coal don't belong in the same sentence!

Coal To Liquid Technology

Posted on 16. Feb. 2009 - 05:07

Who in their right mind would consider a Coal-To-Liquid Technology(CTL) investment when we have plenty of oil supplies? You should. Because we dont.

Yes, oil prices are high. But crude production has peaked. Output in all major fields is fixed, or is declining. New oil fields are smaller and harder to get at, and extraction techniques are getting more difficult and expensive.

Once oil prices rise above $35 a barrel, coal-to-liquid technology providing liquid coal at $20-$30/barrel begins looking very attractive as an oil alternative. Its the technology that changing.

This Coal To Liquid Technology is widely used in US.

For More Info:

Coal To Liquid Technology

Posted on 16. Feb. 2009 - 05:07

Who in their right mind would consider a Coal-To-Liquid Technology(CTL) investment when we have plenty of oil supplies? You should. Because we dont.

Yes, oil prices are high. But crude production has peaked. Output in all major fields is fixed, or is declining. New oil fields are smaller and harder to get at, and extraction techniques are getting more difficult and expensive.

Once oil prices rise above $35 a barrel, coal-to-liquid technology providing liquid coal at $20-$30/barrel begins looking very attractive as an oil alternative. Its the technology that changing.

This Coal To Liquid Technology is widely used in US.

For More Info:

Advantages Of Using Coal

Posted on 17. Feb. 2009 - 05:53

Coal can be found in lots of places in the world and there is still plenty in the UK.

Coal can be easily transported to the power stations.

Coal is a relatively cheap energy source.

That would be helpful accelerating the growth of Clean tech as the global industry.

Advantages Of Using Coal

Posted on 17. Feb. 2009 - 05:53

Coal can be found in lots of places in the world and there is still plenty in the UK.

Coal can be easily transported to the power stations.

Coal is a relatively cheap energy source.

That would be helpful accelerating the growth of Clean tech as the global industry.

Coal Production

Posted on 17. Feb. 2009 - 06:02

China is affluent in the resources of coal, and now coal & energy industry develops rapidly. In view of its huge development potential, more and more foreign companies have been showing a keen interest in entering China's coal industry.

Dynasty Resources believes there are enormous business opportunities for companies with innovative technology, process controls and supply chains that address unmet needs for energy efficiency. Clean technology includes the renewable energy, information technology, green transportation, electric motors, lighting, and many other appliances that are now more energy efficient. It is a means to create electricity and fuels with a smaller environmental footprint.

The Companies are more focusing on energy efficiency, clean coal, more efficient and clean oil and gas (production and consumption), renewable energy and bio-fuels,

For More Info:

Coal Production

Posted on 17. Feb. 2009 - 06:02

China is affluent in the resources of coal, and now coal & energy industry develops rapidly. In view of its huge development potential, more and more foreign companies have been showing a keen interest in entering China's coal industry.

Dynasty Resources believes there are enormous business opportunities for companies with innovative technology, process controls and supply chains that address unmet needs for energy efficiency. Clean technology includes the renewable energy, information technology, green transportation, electric motors, lighting, and many other appliances that are now more energy efficient. It is a means to create electricity and fuels with a smaller environmental footprint.

The Companies are more focusing on energy efficiency, clean coal, more efficient and clean oil and gas (production and consumption), renewable energy and bio-fuels,

For More Info:

Clean Burning Coal

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 01:05

The difficulties we face in weaning ourselves off fossil fuels are immense. renewable energies are still small players in the global power scene and biofuels have their own inherent problems. None of these energy sources are yet poised to rescue us from our fossil addiction.

Clean Burning Coal

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 01:05

The difficulties we face in weaning ourselves off fossil fuels are immense. renewable energies are still small players in the global power scene and biofuels have their own inherent problems. None of these energy sources are yet poised to rescue us from our fossil addiction.

Coal May Be The Energy Of The Future

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 01:11

Coal may become an important source of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the crucial element in the fuel cells that are now beginning to be used in transportation. These fuel cells will also be a part of all types of power for years to come. They work like a battery, but they do not run down or need recharging. In addition these cells have far lower emissions than any combustion process.

Why is coal in high demand? Current supplies of coal could last the world at least two or three centuries, making it the most abundant energy source. Coal is found all over the world, and of all energy sources, coal is one of the most economical. Human beings have used coal as an energy source throughout their existence.

But unfortunately, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. So what are coal's major drawbacks?

The only real drawback with coal is its environmental impact. Thankfully, research and new technology are making coal significantly cleaner and better for the environment.

Sulfur dioxide emission rates for U.S. coal-based power plants were cut by more than 75 percent between 1970 and 2000. In addition, nitrous oxide emission rates were cut in half. Mercury emissions from power generation have now been controlled. And soon the emission of greenhouse gases due to coal will be drastically lowered.

Coal May Be The Energy Of The Future

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 01:11

Coal may become an important source of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the crucial element in the fuel cells that are now beginning to be used in transportation. These fuel cells will also be a part of all types of power for years to come. They work like a battery, but they do not run down or need recharging. In addition these cells have far lower emissions than any combustion process.

Why is coal in high demand? Current supplies of coal could last the world at least two or three centuries, making it the most abundant energy source. Coal is found all over the world, and of all energy sources, coal is one of the most economical. Human beings have used coal as an energy source throughout their existence.

But unfortunately, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. So what are coal's major drawbacks?

The only real drawback with coal is its environmental impact. Thankfully, research and new technology are making coal significantly cleaner and better for the environment.

Sulfur dioxide emission rates for U.S. coal-based power plants were cut by more than 75 percent between 1970 and 2000. In addition, nitrous oxide emission rates were cut in half. Mercury emissions from power generation have now been controlled. And soon the emission of greenhouse gases due to coal will be drastically lowered.

Electricity Is A Crucial Part Of American Life

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 01:12

Electricity is a crucial part of American life. In fact, it is a $200 billion a year commodity, making it the largest commodity in the United States.

When the prices for large commodities, like electricity, stay low or go down, inflation stays low. So, commodity price fluctuations prove to be strong economic indicators.

The lower electric rates from low coal prices can affect inflation rates now and in the future. And low interest rates can help protect the savings and investments of millions of Americans.

In addition, new technology is linked to electricity usage and thus the economy. The increasing purchase and use of technological advances, like computers, cell phones and personal data organizers, greatly increases consumption of electricity from coal. Therefore, when consumers purchase these items, they drive the economy in two ways: with their purchase and with their electricity usage.

America's need for electricity from coal can also be seen in the almost direct relationship between electricity use and economic activity. For example, every 1 percent increase in the gross domestic product has caused about a 1 percent increase in electricity demand.

Electricity Is A Crucial Part Of American Life

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 01:12

Electricity is a crucial part of American life. In fact, it is a $200 billion a year commodity, making it the largest commodity in the United States.

When the prices for large commodities, like electricity, stay low or go down, inflation stays low. So, commodity price fluctuations prove to be strong economic indicators.

The lower electric rates from low coal prices can affect inflation rates now and in the future. And low interest rates can help protect the savings and investments of millions of Americans.

In addition, new technology is linked to electricity usage and thus the economy. The increasing purchase and use of technological advances, like computers, cell phones and personal data organizers, greatly increases consumption of electricity from coal. Therefore, when consumers purchase these items, they drive the economy in two ways: with their purchase and with their electricity usage.

America's need for electricity from coal can also be seen in the almost direct relationship between electricity use and economic activity. For example, every 1 percent increase in the gross domestic product has caused about a 1 percent increase in electricity demand.

Clean Coal

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 06:54

In America's industrial history, coal has been both dirty and deadly, but it has been anything but clean. The use of coal—in the old way—is still the biggest contributor to the emission of greenhouse gases—the suspected culprit of global warming. Additionally, there are other harmful byproducts of coal including: fly ash, acid rain, mercury, uranium and other harmful metals. And with the recent fly ash spill in eastern Tennessee, the idea of clean coal seems laughable. So what exactly is clean coal?

The first example of a cleaner version of coal came early in the 20th century, when coal was used to power transportation. There were early experiments with "smokeless" coal by U.S. and British navies who prized this brand of coal for its lighter, lesser-detected smoke.

Clean Coal

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 06:54

In America's industrial history, coal has been both dirty and deadly, but it has been anything but clean. The use of coal—in the old way—is still the biggest contributor to the emission of greenhouse gases—the suspected culprit of global warming. Additionally, there are other harmful byproducts of coal including: fly ash, acid rain, mercury, uranium and other harmful metals. And with the recent fly ash spill in eastern Tennessee, the idea of clean coal seems laughable. So what exactly is clean coal?

The first example of a cleaner version of coal came early in the 20th century, when coal was used to power transportation. There were early experiments with "smokeless" coal by U.S. and British navies who prized this brand of coal for its lighter, lesser-detected smoke.

Clean Coal

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 06:59

Technology has rapidly improved and warranted a more specific definition for clean coal. Nuclear power and carbon capture and storage are seen as cleaner alternative methods to the old-fashioned ways of producing electricity and heat.

Clean Coal

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 06:59

Technology has rapidly improved and warranted a more specific definition for clean coal. Nuclear power and carbon capture and storage are seen as cleaner alternative methods to the old-fashioned ways of producing electricity and heat.

Re: News From Linc Energy

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 09:38
Quote Originally Posted by lincdeanView Post
Technology has rapidly improved and warranted a more specific definition for clean coal. Nuclear power and carbon capture and storage are seen as cleaner alternative methods to the old-fashioned ways of producing electricity and heat.

Nuclear yes: but how does carbon capture & storage produce electricity?

Re: News From Linc Energy

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 09:38
Quote Originally Posted by lincdeanView Post
Technology has rapidly improved and warranted a more specific definition for clean coal. Nuclear power and carbon capture and storage are seen as cleaner alternative methods to the old-fashioned ways of producing electricity and heat.

Nuclear yes: but how does carbon capture & storage produce electricity?

Re: News From Linc Energy

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 10:02

The link is to an Aussie webseite which carries a video clip. Early on in the clip there is a statement that the two drillings are connected. How?

Burning coal underground is deemed risky & was abandoned in Europe in the early 1960's...although there recently was/is a fire still going somewhere in the UK.

Re: News From Linc Energy

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 10:02

The link is to an Aussie webseite which carries a video clip. Early on in the clip there is a statement that the two drillings are connected. How?

Burning coal underground is deemed risky & was abandoned in Europe in the early 1960's...although there recently was/is a fire still going somewhere in the UK.

Dust Suppression At Coal Plant

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 12:43
Quote Originally Posted by kennedyView Post
Providing Clean Coal Technologies is so useful for th e environment.The forum began with the emergence of Clean tech as a global industry and explored the opportunities for Australia and how we can capitalize on the surging economy of India. We then explored how finance and industry can accelerate the growth of Clean tech and how we can create a globally competitive Clean tech Industry for Australia.

hello/// it can possible to make clean coal plant while using dust suppression if it tried it out...

Dust Suppression At Coal Plant

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 12:43
Quote Originally Posted by kennedyView Post
Providing Clean Coal Technologies is so useful for th e environment.The forum began with the emergence of Clean tech as a global industry and explored the opportunities for Australia and how we can capitalize on the surging economy of India. We then explored how finance and industry can accelerate the growth of Clean tech and how we can create a globally competitive Clean tech Industry for Australia.

hello/// it can possible to make clean coal plant while using dust suppression if it tried it out...

Clean Coal Technology

Posted on 20. Feb. 2009 - 07:41

Clean coal technology usually addresses atmospheric problems resulting from burning coal.The primary focus was on sulfur dioxide and particulates, due to the fact that it is the most important gas which leads to acid rain. More recent focus has been on carbon dioxide (due to its likely impact on global warming) as well as other pollutants. Concerns exist regarding the economic viability of these technologies and the timeframe of delivery, potentially high hidden economic costs in terms of social and environmental damage, and the costs and viability of disposing of removed carbon and other toxic matter.

Coal, which is primarily used for the generation of electricity, is the second largest domestic contributor to carbon dioxide emissions in the USA. The public has become more concerned about global warming which has led to new legislation. The coal industry has responded by running advertising touting clean coal in an effort to counter negative perceptions, as well as by putting more than $50 billion towards the development and deployment of clean coal technologies, including carbon capture and storage.

Clean Coal Technology

Posted on 20. Feb. 2009 - 07:41

Clean coal technology usually addresses atmospheric problems resulting from burning coal.The primary focus was on sulfur dioxide and particulates, due to the fact that it is the most important gas which leads to acid rain. More recent focus has been on carbon dioxide (due to its likely impact on global warming) as well as other pollutants. Concerns exist regarding the economic viability of these technologies and the timeframe of delivery, potentially high hidden economic costs in terms of social and environmental damage, and the costs and viability of disposing of removed carbon and other toxic matter.

Coal, which is primarily used for the generation of electricity, is the second largest domestic contributor to carbon dioxide emissions in the USA. The public has become more concerned about global warming which has led to new legislation. The coal industry has responded by running advertising touting clean coal in an effort to counter negative perceptions, as well as by putting more than $50 billion towards the development and deployment of clean coal technologies, including carbon capture and storage.

Clean Coal

Posted on 25. Feb. 2009 - 08:37

In all three presidential debates this year, both President-elect Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain said they supported clean coal. But what exactly is clean coal? This vague term may refer to a variety of technologies that lead to cleaner emissions from coal power plants.

Clean coal usually now refers to the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants. Uncaptured, this greenhouse gas traps heat from the sun, leading to global warming. (Any captured carbon dioxide would probably be stored in liquid form deep underground.)

Clean coal may also include methods to reduce pollutants that result from coal-burning, such as:

1) the toxic metal mercury,

2) nitrogen oxides, which help create smog,

3) sulfur dioxide, which is linked with acid rain,

4) tiny little soot particles, which contribute to thousands of premature deaths from heart and lung disease annually. But clean Coal might be the only alternative to save energy.

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Clean Coal

Posted on 25. Feb. 2009 - 08:37

In all three presidential debates this year, both President-elect Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain said they supported clean coal. But what exactly is clean coal? This vague term may refer to a variety of technologies that lead to cleaner emissions from coal power plants.

Clean coal usually now refers to the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants. Uncaptured, this greenhouse gas traps heat from the sun, leading to global warming. (Any captured carbon dioxide would probably be stored in liquid form deep underground.)

Clean coal may also include methods to reduce pollutants that result from coal-burning, such as:

1) the toxic metal mercury,

2) nitrogen oxides, which help create smog,

3) sulfur dioxide, which is linked with acid rain,

4) tiny little soot particles, which contribute to thousands of premature deaths from heart and lung disease annually. But clean Coal might be the only alternative to save energy.

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(not verified)

Coal Cleaners

Posted on 5. Mar. 2009 - 10:10

Clean coal is an umbrella term term used to promote the use of coal as an energy source by emphasizing methods being developed to reduce its environmental impact. These efforts include chemically washing minerals and impurities from the coal, gasification (see also IGCC), treating the flue gases with steam to remove sulfur dioxide, and carbon capture and storage technologies to capture the carbon dioxide from the flue gas. These methods and the technology used are described as clean coal technology. Major politicians and the coal industry use the term "clean coal" to describe technologies designed to enhance both the efficiency and the environmental acceptability of coal extraction, preparation and use, with no specific quantitative limits on any emissions, particularly carbon dioxide.

(not verified)

Coal Cleaners

Posted on 5. Mar. 2009 - 10:10

Clean coal is an umbrella term term used to promote the use of coal as an energy source by emphasizing methods being developed to reduce its environmental impact. These efforts include chemically washing minerals and impurities from the coal, gasification (see also IGCC), treating the flue gases with steam to remove sulfur dioxide, and carbon capture and storage technologies to capture the carbon dioxide from the flue gas. These methods and the technology used are described as clean coal technology. Major politicians and the coal industry use the term "clean coal" to describe technologies designed to enhance both the efficiency and the environmental acceptability of coal extraction, preparation and use, with no specific quantitative limits on any emissions, particularly carbon dioxide.

Clean Coal

Posted on 8. Jun. 2009 - 10:36

It’s not clean at all!!! All that is done is A) the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is captured and liquidised, placed in barrels and buried in old mines or B) dumped straight into the ocean where the high pressures on the sea floor keep it liquidised.

That’s not a solution!!!

That’s just like dumping crap on the next door neighbours until their yard becomes to full and the rats start running over to your own house

Heck, with those kind of "echo" solutions we might as well gust build nuclear power plants and once the uranium becomes depleted (after 150-230 years) we might as well burry it or dump it in the sea or to go with “their” logic will have space ships to send our rubbish to the sun and get crude oil from Mars

I would like to meet those people who come up with such mentally challenged solutions to modern day problems....

Yours Infuriated,

Don Defy

Clean Coal

Posted on 8. Jun. 2009 - 10:36

It’s not clean at all!!! All that is done is A) the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is captured and liquidised, placed in barrels and buried in old mines or B) dumped straight into the ocean where the high pressures on the sea floor keep it liquidised.

That’s not a solution!!!

That’s just like dumping crap on the next door neighbours until their yard becomes to full and the rats start running over to your own house

Heck, with those kind of "echo" solutions we might as well gust build nuclear power plants and once the uranium becomes depleted (after 150-230 years) we might as well burry it or dump it in the sea or to go with “their” logic will have space ships to send our rubbish to the sun and get crude oil from Mars

I would like to meet those people who come up with such mentally challenged solutions to modern day problems....

Yours Infuriated,

Don Defy