Apron Feeder - Inclined or Flat?

Posted in: , on 3. Jun. 2008 - 13:54

I'm a draftsman & I'm laying out an Apron Feeder beneath a haul truck dump bin for ROM gold ore, top size 600mm (a grizzly at the truck dump controls this), flow = 300tph. There is ample head height to lay the feeder horizontally beneath the bin. The feeder has been sized at 1500mm width, approx. 6m in length.

I'm interested in members opinions as to whether there are any advantages in inclining the feeder at an angle, say 15 degrees?

Any thoughts on the pros & cons of the inclination angle would be much appreciated


Re: Apron Feeder - Inclined Or Flat?

Posted on 3. Jun. 2008 - 05:28

300 tph is a small flow rate for such a design. The following comments do not take into account such a slow rate.

If you where to use a striker plate, the shear plane height, assuming you have one, inclination angle, and distance between exit plane and discharge pulley must contain the rock from spilling off the end when dumping from truck and the resulting rock dynamics.

Inclining the apron bed is practiced when reclaiming from a glory hole to feed a primary gyratory or jaw crusher, with tonnage of significance. The angle is typically about 20-22 degrees. At this incline, the rock bed somewhat self regulates the exit depth into the crusher.

An incline bed is a slow moving machine as is your rate. It also requires additional maintenance that is not observed with a horizontal bed.

Many points need to be clarified to be precise.

ThyssenKrupp, ManTakraf and related companies do have incline apron feeder designs and they might lend you a hand.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Apron Feeder - Inclined Or Flat?

Posted on 4. Jun. 2008 - 09:44

Thanks Mr Nordell, I appreciate your time.
