Stacking, Reclaiming and blending

GarethCutts - Associated British Ports, U.K.
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 24. Oct. 2007 - 19:48

I am investigating the possibility of using a bucket wheel stacker reclaimer to create a blended bed of coal and reclaim to give a rough blend back onto the conveyor system.

I'm not familiar with the bed blending methods and have tried to research in advance of this post but am finding books (STACKING,BLENDING& RECLAIMING..BY R. WOHLBIER) out of print and no longer available. Old copies of "Bulk Solids Handling" articles also hard to locate.

Please can anybody either point me in the right direction for relevant literature or provide more direct advise.

Many Thanks


Stockyard Blending And Reclaiming

Posted on 25. Oct. 2007 - 06:11

A stacker reclaimer is not a system for making a good blended stockpile and reclaiming it as a uniform blend.

Blending effect is a function of the number of layers stockpile is made of.

Reclaiming is done by front acting machines i.e. machines for end-on removal of material from the stockpile.

Cement Engineer's handbooks give a good theoretical background of this process.

vinayak sathe 15, Rangavi Estate, Dabolim Airport 403801, Goa, India
GarethCutts - Associated British Ports, U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Stacking, Reclaiming And Blending

Posted on 25. Oct. 2007 - 10:05

I appreciate a good quality blend would require some sort of end on reclaimer. The question here is can I acheive a reasonable blend by layering and then digging through the layers with the reclaimer?

If I can prove a theoretical quality of blend it might be acceptable given the lower costs.

Coal Stockpile

Posted on 25. Oct. 2007 - 10:28

I presume that you are considering such a stockpile in a port operation for receiving coal shipments and delivering them to rail loadout station.

In case of a stacker-reclaimer you will have two stopiles - one on either side of the stacker-reclaimer main-line conveyor. In this case you will be making one stockpile (which can be layered stockpile with good blend) on one side. You will reclaim from the already formed stockpile on other side. You will be getting crescent shaped cuts.

This operation will require extensive movement of reclaimer along the length and has to be designed for such operation.

you can look at following website for alternative blending bed stockpiling and reclaiming systems

vinayak sathe 15, Rangavi Estate, Dabolim Airport 403801, Goa, India
GarethCutts - Associated British Ports, U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Stacking, Reclaiming And Blending

Posted on 25. Oct. 2007 - 11:21

Thanks Vinayak.

The document you referred me to is a good background. I assume its while stacking you would need lots of travel to create a consistent layer across the whole of the pile.

I agree, this would not be practical for our scale of operation on the docks. I take your point that a Stacker must be designed for this type of operation. I suspect ours are not! However I'm also looking at operations where coal is received by train in 1500 tonne parcels. In this case, perhaps layering could be acheived using the movement of the boom.

I'm probably looking to only blend two products and in rough percentages so 3 trains of X followed by a train of Y gives me a 75/25 blend.

Re: Stacking, Reclaiming And Blending

Posted on 26. Oct. 2007 - 01:55

The link referred to is mainly concerned with indoor light duty applications & rather irrlevant to slopping coal around. If you winrow stack outdoors in the wet you will blend unacceptable water content into the coal. Look out of your window across a furrowed field if you don't believe me.

The circular stacker might entrain less water but your reclaiming order is totally restricted. Face working machinery is rather hard to move up & down the rails if there is .. a stockpile in the way.

Bucket wheels are the vogue machine for very good reasons. Those who complain about the travel movements overlook the simple blessing that such movements are possible. Come rain or come shine.

John Gateley

(not verified)

Re: Stacking, Reclaiming And Blending

Posted on 4. Jan. 2008 - 05:36


This reply is probably a little late for your needs, however, length of travel is not the only factor in the blending characteristics of a stacked pile.

Assuming that your train shipments are at regular intervals and the grade doesn't vary wildly from train to train, a pile of 100m toes and 60m base width will provide adequate blending for a LST (luffing, slewing, travelling) stacker/reclaimer given the right stacking pattern.

If you build you stockpiles to full profile before reclaiming, then a simple windrow pattern would provide more than adequate blending on reclaiming.

Happy to provide any further information if you need.

Stacker -Reclaimer

Posted on 4. Jan. 2008 - 01:55


We noted your interest in possibly using a Stacker-Reclaimer for blending of Coal. Once a decision is made, and should you require a Stacker-Reclaimer, we have a Surplus machine available for Sale:

Stacking Rate: 2500tph

Reclaim Rate 1500tph

Please feel free to contact us for additional information.


Al Goodmundson
